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"Get Denver on the wire," commanded Mr. Newnham. "Hustle!" Click-click-click! rattled the sounder. "It won't do a particle of good," Tom uttered calmly. "'Gene Black, the engineer discharged from this camp, is serving the enemy. Black has brains enough to see that our wire was cut before he started a thing moving." Click-click-click! spoke the sounder again.

"All right, Timmy, my son!" replied Perkins with a laugh, "tell them you won't need no hot bath; I'm after you." "Click-click," "Click-click-click" was Tim's only answer. It was a distinct challenge, and, while not openly breaking into racing speed, Perkins accepted it.

"Click-click," forward and back went Tim's sharp shining instrument, leaving a single plant standing shyly alone where had boldly bunched a score or more a moment before. "Click-click-click," and the flat-topped drill stood free of weeds and superfluous turnip plants and trimmed to its proper roof-like appearance. "I say!" exclaimed Cameron, "this is high art.

The monotonous click-click-click continued, now stopping for a second, then going on more rapidly again, till Maryllia began to feel quite unreasonably impatient. She found something irritating at last in the contemplation of the back of Walden's cranium, it was too well-shaped, she decided, she could discover no fault in it. Humming a tune carelessly under her breath, she turned towards Mrs.

I shall never reach your class, though, Tim." "Oh, shucks!" said Tim, "slash in, don't be afraid." Cameron slashed in. "Click-click," "Click-click-click," when lo! a long blank space of drill looked up reproachfully at him. "Oh, Tim! look at this mess," he said in disgust. "Never mind!" said Tim, "let her rip. Better stick one in though. Blanks look bad at the END of the drill."

Send 'Constance, private car, here, and arrange for special to leave here Sunday in time to connect with New York Limited at Sixteenth Street, Chicago, Tuesday next." Click-click-click! "Couldn't you better that?" "Not on those grades. That gives 'em sixty hours from here to Chicago. They won't gain anything by taking a special east of that. Ready?

The engine rooms were easily identified. In one area he heard the banging of pots and pans, the steaming of kettles ... obviously the galley. He found the control area. He could hear the clatter of typing instruments, the click-click-click of the computers working out the orbits and trajectories for the scout-ships as they moved out from the orbit-ship or came back in.

Step by step in his dream he approached the window and looked in. And there he beheld a sight that froze him to the marrow. Two huge skeletons were struggling in deadly embrace. He could hear no sound but the click-click-click of their bones. He saw the gleam of knives held between fleshless fingers, and he saw now that both were struggling for the possession of something that was upon the table.

As she stood there, staring down moodily at her feet, she heard the triple click-click-click of a bicycle-bell under her window. It was Harney's secret signal as he passed on his way home. She stumbled to the window on her high heels, flung open the shutters and leaned out.

Outside, Beatrice heard the click-click-click of his iron staff upon the smooth and flinty rock floor. And to her ears, mingled with the far roaring of the flame, drifted the words: "Woe, woe to him! Woe to us all woe woe!" Under the ministering care of Beatrice and the patriarch, Stern's convalescence was rapid.