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Updated: August 4, 2024

The clargy knows these things maybe an' maybe they don't. I only wish she'd come back with the caaharrawan. If all goes right, I'll pocket what'll bring yourself an' me to America. I'm beginnin' somehow to get unaisy; an' I don't wish to stay in this country any longer."

I know thim that's larned an' creditable clargy this day, that went as you're goin' ay, an' that ris an' helped their parents, an' put them above poverty an' distress; an' never fear, wid a blessin', but you'll do the same."

"Did you know Winnie Lewis, my lad?" he asked. "Know her, is it sir? Never a week passed but what she came twice or thrice with a picture or book, mayhaps an apple for me, an' it's owing to her an' no clargy at all that I'll ever follow her blessed footsteps to heaven.

"Don't ye, know whin I'm a clargy I will but I'm only a lignum sacerdotis yet, Phaddhy." "What's ligdum saucerdoatis, Briney?" "A block of a priest, Phaddhy." "Now, Briney, I suppose Father Philemy knows everything." "Ay, to be sure he does; all the languages' that's spoken through the world, Phaddhy." "And must all the priests know them, Briney? how many are they?"

"Ay, and aren't we every bit as good as they are, if you go to that? haven't we sowls to be saved as well as themselves?" "'As good as they are! as good as the clargy!! Manum a yea agus a wurrah!* listen to what he says! Phaddhy, take care of yourself, you've got rich, now; but for all that, take care of yourself. You had betther not bring the priest's ill-will, or his bad heart upon us.

Ay, well! they're out o' hearin' o' my moralities; I'd better find a lamiter like mysen to preach to, for it's not iverybody has t' luck t' clargy has of saying their say out whether folks likes it or not. He put the baskets carefully away with much of such talk as this addressed to himself while he did so.

"Why, I'll translate all the Protestants into asses, and then we'll get our hands red of them altogether." "Well, that flogs for cuteness, and it's a wondher the clargy* doesn't do it, and them has the power; for 'twould give us pace entirely. But, Briney, will you speak in Latin to Father Philemy on Thursday?"

"'Mickey, says he, 'Mickey. "'Father, says I. "'Is it that way you salute your clargy, says he, 'with your caubeen on your head? "'Faix, says I, 'it's little ye mind whether it's an or aff; for you never take the trouble to say, "By your leave," or "Damn your soul!" or any other politeness when we meet.

I wish you had been wid us to discoorse the shpirit, and sind him back to his place. "'Faith, and only that it's daylight now, an' near time for matins, I'd just step over, and show ye the powers that are delegated to the clargy, avick. I'd like to see if Matthew Collins would dare to face me afther I've buried him dacently.

You know they never thruv that had it; and maybe it's a short time your riches might stay wid you, or maybe it's a short time you might stay wid them: at any rate, God forgive you, and I hope he will, for making use of sich unsanctified words to your lawful clargy." * My soul to God and the Virgin. "Well, but what do you intind to do? -or, what do you think of getting for them?" inquired Phaddy.

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