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"All Israel are brethren," and indeed there was a strange antique clannishness about these "Sons of the Covenant" which in the modern world, where the ends of the ages meet, is Socialism. They prayed for one another while alive, visited one another's bedsides when sick, buried one another when dead.

To understand the strength of the feeling of clannishness in this district one must reside amongst the people. Donald was suspected, as we have said, and a warrant was made out against him on the charge of arson. "Good morning, Mr. "Good morning, Mr. L . A lovely morning." "Yes, indeed." "Are you going far?" "I am going to Marsden. By the way, have you seen Donald Morrison lately?"

Personally I cared little what soul-outpourings of Harold were priated by Selina she was pretty sure to get hold of them sooner or later and indeed I rather welcomed the diversion as favourable to the undisturbed pursuit of Art. But the clannishness of sex has its unwritten laws. Boys, as such, are sufficiently put upon, maltreated, trodden under, as it is.

Canning's acquaintance he had by the chance of a lifelong friendship with Mrs. Allison Payne. By reason of a native clannishness and certain small obligations of a more material nature, he was more than ready to share his privileges with his brilliant cousins. But.... "So that's the drowned lady," said Canning's voice, rather moodily, at his elbow.... "Well, then, I know her."

We can be just as true and loyal to our own, and yet have wide feelings. Esprit de corps loyalty to our body is a very splendid thing, and we degrade it when we turn it into mere clannishness; it ought to bring out our love for all that is good, just as love for home ought to make us love outsiders better. I have spoken of the faults of esprit de corps do not think that means I do not value it.

Willie Wilde came over to London and got employment as a journalist and was soon given almost a free hand by the editor of the society paper "The World". With rare unselfishness, or, if you will, with Celtic clannishness, he did a good deal to make Oscar's name known.

Hanging together with an intense clannishness, the raccoon family would make expeditions of such length as to keep often for two or three days at a time away from the home in the sycamore.

The religious fanaticism of the Doukhobors, particularly when it took the form of midwinter pilgrimages in nature's garb, and the clannishness of the Ruthenians, who settled in solid blocks, gave rise to many problems of government and assimilation which taught Canadians the unwisdom of inviting immigration from eastern or southern Europe.

An inherent pugnacity, and a whole-hearted belief in and love of their county, which amounts to something more than clannishness. They know everything about every one in Northumberland, and with others they do not trouble themselves much. They do not talk about it like the Scots, but it is there all the same; and it has a profound influence on their actions and judgment.

This is the spirit that has sometimes made the family seem a retreat of egoism which it was necessary to destroy for the public safety. But as patriotism and jingoism are as far apart as the east from the west, so are family feeling and clannishness.