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He had a cousin working for the express company in the city to whom he told the story. It got to the ears of the superintendent of the express company. Bart received a letter from Mr. Leslie the next day, requiring a circumstantial report of the stolen trunk.

"But I cannot understand," she said, "how the officers of the law could blunder so." "All of the evidence against him," I said, "was purely circumstantial, except in one particular.

Her crown was of floriated trefoils surmounting a band of rubies. Of course, though, they might have been only garnets "Why, at Woodstock, naturally." "I know it was at Woodstock, but whereabouts at Woodstock?" "It was by a window, my dear, by a window with panes of white glass and wooden lattices and a pent covered with lead." "Your account is very circumstantial, but where was the window?"

Across the hollow of his left arm he carried his shotgun. Bob touched spur to his saddle horse and vanished in the depths of the forest. Bob delivered his relinquishment at headquarters, and received the news. George Pollock had been arrested for the murder of Plant, and now lay in jail. Erbe, the White Oaks lawyer, had undertaken charge of his case. The evidence was as yet purely circumstantial.

Yet he travelled down by the same train, avoided me, lied to Lady Angela and myself this morning, and had exactly the sort of wounds which I had inflicted upon that unknown assailant who attacked me in the darkness. If circumstantial evidence went for anything, Ray himself had been my aggressor. I avoided the turn by Braster Grange and went straight on to the village.

This step had been in contemplation since the direful tragedy which had recently been perpetrated in their midst, and of which the facts remained still unexplained, though circumstantial evidence pointed to a solution of the mystery. When saying this the speaker turned, as though with an involuntary and unconscious gaze, towards the spot where Rotha stood.

I, myself, brought the conversation around to a professional subject. I asked him if it were not possible that circumstantial evidence could lie; if the entire past, the reputation of the accused would not be a factor in his favour. The Judge denied it. It was his opinion, beyond a doubt, that circumstantial evidence was sufficient to convict anyone. My soul rose within me.

The thing that impressed me most about him, aside from the prepossession in his favour due to the faith of Alma Willard, was the nerve he displayed, whether guilty or innocent. Even an innocent man might well have been staggered by the circumstantial evidence against him and the high tide of public feeling, in spite of the support that he was receiving. Leland, we learned, had been very active.

He had a good reason for going away from home the way he did. He'd a good reason for changing his name as he did, but the time has come now when it's all right for him to come back and," shaking his finger solemnly and impressively at the woman, "I want you to get that word back to him without fail." "But this is only circumstantial evidence, Uncle Dan'l," said Mr. Milford, soothingly.

Wilson said that he had three witnesses, the Misses Clarkson, who would testify that they met a veiled young woman leaving Judge Driscoll's premises by the back gate a few minutes after the cries for help were heard, and that their evidence, taken with certain circumstantial evidence which he would call the court's attention to, would in his opinion convince the court that there was still one person concerned in this crime who had not yet been found, and also that a stay of proceedings ought to be granted, in justice to his clients, until that person should be discovered.