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In this way venereal disease, though not entirely uprooted, was very greatly diminished. A clear and comprehensive statement of the present position of the question is given by Iwan Bloch, Das Sexualleben Unserer Zeit, Chs.

An elaboration of these notes was printed in the "Massachusetts Spy," April 29, 1778, and with corrections by Adams fifty years after the event in William Tudor's "Life of James Otis," chs. 5-7. This is the speech to which Adams, at a later date, attributed the beginning of the Revolution. James Otis in 1765 declared the Virginia Resolutions to be treasonable.

The traditions of other peoples and their relation and correspondence to the stories of this section. The evidence of ancient monuments that corroborate or throw light upon the meaning of this section of the scripture. The civilization of that early time compared with that of our time. From Abraham to Egypt. Gen. Chs. 12-50 The Events of the Period.

The location of the several nations conquered by David and how the victories were won, especially the capture of Jebus. David's plan to build the Temple and God's message to him II Sam. Ch. 11. Point out the different elements in it. Absolom's conspiracy and final defeat, II Sam. Chs. 15 and 18. The death of the child of Uriah's wife, II Sam. Ch. 12.

Alonzo Ramirez wished to have the right of burial in the new monastery, but the nobles of Toledo looked on his request as unreasonable. See Foundations, chs. xv. and xvi. See Way of Perfection, ch. viii.; but ch. v. of the previous editions. Ch. xxvii. section 10. St. John xiv. 23: "Ad eum veniemus, et mansionem apud eum faciemus." See section 6. Titus ii. 5: "Sobrias, domus curam habentes."

The feast of Belshazzar. The visions of Daniel 7:1-14, 8:1-12, 10:4-6. The four beasts of Daniel and their significance. The oracles against foreign nations, Eze. chs. 25-32. The benefits mentioned above. The lessons mentioned above. Find scripture basis for them. The Restoration. Ezra, Neh., Esth., Hag., Zech. Scripture Analysis.

The greatest fault of Absalom, of Joab. Joab, the avenger, II Sam. 2:17-32, 3:22-30, 18:9-15, 20:4-10. Solomon's Reign. I K. Chs. 1-12; II Chron. Chs.1-9. The Riddle of Solomon's Character. Few Biblical characters manifested such contradictory elements of character. Early in life he manifested an earnest, conscientious and religious spirit.

Varchi: Storia Fiorentina, lib. ix. chs. 48, 49, 46. As for natural abilities, I for my part cannot believe that any one either could or ought to doubt that the Florentines, even if they do not excel all other nations, are at least inferior to none in those things to which they give their minds.

Study carefully the scriptures covering the trial and crucifixion of Jesus. Study the scriptures covering the period and outline further the events and teachings. From the Ascension to The Church at Antioch. Acts Chs. 1-12. The book of Acts is the only purely historical book of the New Testament. It is as a continuation of the gospel of Luke.

$22.81 Rec' payment, J. D , S. C. D. Per Chs. Kanapeaux, Clerk. This amount is exclusive of all the long scale of law charges and attorney's fees that were incurred, and is entirely the perquisite of the sheriff.