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SPECIAL HISTORIES. G. T. Curtis Constitutional History, chs. v.-xiv. Winning of the West, III. Reprints in American History told by Contemporaries, II., American History Leaflets, Nos. 20, 22, 28. The task thrown upon Congress in 1781 would have tried the strongest government in existence.

The chaste man, i.e., the man of prudence and self-control, is the man who has lost the nakedness of his primitive innocence." Cf. also Chs. IV and VII of Westermarck's History of Human Marriage, and also Chs. XXXVIII and XLI of the same author's Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas, vol. ii; Frazer's Golden Bough contains much bearing on this subject, as also Crawley's Mystic Rose.

May He grant I may not by my own fault lose mercies so great, and may He have compassion on me! Inner Fortress, iv. ch. iii. See Life, ch. xvii. section 5. Compare Life, ch. xxiv. section 4. See Life, ch. xx. section 23. "Arrobamiento y arrebatamiento." See Life, chs. xx. and xxi. Life, ch. xx. section 16; Inner Fortress, vi. c. xi. See Life, ch. xxix. section 17. See Life, ch. xvii. section 9.

The central theme is the triumph and progress of the gospel in spite of all the opposition and persecution which its advocates met. The chief purpose seems to be to show the progress of Christianity among the Gentiles and only so much of the work among the Jews is given as will authenticate the other. The whole book falls into three sections: The church at work in Jerusalem, chs. 1-7.

The different victories of Israel recorded in the period. The fiery serpents and serpent of brass. The cities of refuge, their names, location, purpose and the lessons for today to be drawn from their use. The principal events of Israel's past history mentioned in Dt. chs. 1-4, and find where in previous books each is recorded.

Bancroft, United States, VII. chap. xxvii. SPECIAL HISTORIES. G. W. Greene, Historical View; R. Frothingham, Rise of the Republic, 403-568; John Fiske, American Revolution; J. M. Ludlow, War of American Independence, chs. v.-viii.; Geo.

All will agree that small beginnings and invisible forces are not to be despised or distrusted by the followers of the Christ who some day will deliver the whole suffering creationfrom the bondage of corruption into the liberty of the glory of the children of God.” B. The Second Stages. Chs. 13:22 to 17:10 The Narrow Door. Ch. 13:22-30

The ills of life that are the results of some one's sin. The nature and results of the curse upon the man, upon the woman, upon the tempter. God's care for man after the Fall and the provisions for his recovery. The revelation of God made by these three chapters. The image of God in man. From the Fall to the Flood. Gen. Chs. 4-8. Cain and Abel.

The flood as a divine judgment especially in the light of the judgment put upon Adam and Cain. Noah as the first man mentioned who saved others and the way in which he represents Jesus. Evidences of man's freedom as seen in this and the former chapters. Worship as seen in the two periods studied. From the Flood to Abraham Gen. Chs. 9-11. Noah's Shame and Prophecy.

For John Paul, Colored Seaman. To Sheriff Charleston Dist. July 18, 1852. To Arrest, $2; Registry, $2, $4.00" "Recog. $1.31; Constable, $1, 2.31" "Commitment and discharge, 1.00" "35 Days' Maintenace of John Paul, at 30 cents per day, 10.50 Recd. payment, $17.81 J. D , S. C. D. Per Chs. E. Kanapeaux, Clerk.