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If this be so, then unity through trade and finance will be less universal, but more close-knit in its narrower scope. A.L. Bowley, England's Foreign Trade. Swan Sonnenschein. C.K. Hobson, The Export of Capital. Constable. W.S. Jevons, Money and the Mechanism of Exchange. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. Smith's Wealth of Nations, chs. i-iv.

Compare Saul and David at the time of the anointing of each as to their chances of success. David's sojourn in Philistia with the experience of embarrassment and advantage, I Sam. Chs. 27-28. Ch.31. The Reign of David. 2 Sam.; 1 Chron. Chs. 11-29; 1 K 1:1-2:11. His Reign over Judah. The reign of David is divided into two parts.

Chs. 17-18. The crime of Gibeah, Jud. Chs. 19-21. The story of Ruth, Ruth. The career of Samuel including the judgeship of Eli, 1 Sam. Chs. 1-7. Ethical and Religious Standards. Since this is a transitional period we may expect great difference of moral and religions standards. Some things are stressed far beyond their importance while other matters of more consequence are overlooked.

Thus this preface shows the supreme purpose of Luke was to confirm the belief of Theophilus, who is apparently his patron and friend, and to deepen his conviction of the truth of the gospel story. Surely, such an introduction must remind every reader that our Christian faith is based upon an impregnable foundation of historic fact. A. The Birth of John Foretold. Chs. 1:5-25

God's judgment and blessings of heathen people on behalf of his own chosen people. The different immigrations of Abraham and others. The places of historical importance mentioned. The promises or types and symbols of Christ and the New Testament times. From Egypt to Sinai. Ex. Chs. 1-19 Israel in Egypt. The length of time the Hebrews remained In Egypt is a perplexing question.

The events of this period may be put down somewhat as follows: Abraham's call and settlement in Canaan, chs. 12-13. The rescue of Lot from the plundering kings of the North, ch. 14. God makes a covenant with Abraham, ch. 15. The birth and disposal of Ishmael, ch. 16. The Promise of Isaac, ch. 17. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, chs. 18-19. Abraham lives at Gerar.

In various ways of this kind one can perceive how particular totems came to be selected by particular peoples. See Reinach, Eng. trans., op. cit., pp. 20, 21. Far away and Long ago chs. xvi and xvii.

Wherefore applicant demands, etc., etc., be revised in accordance with chs. 909, 910, s. 2, 912 and 928 of the Code, etc., etc., and referring the case back for a new trial to a different part of the same court. Well, now, everything that could be done was done. But I will be frank with you; the probabilities of success are slight. However, everything depends on who will be sitting in the Senate.

While this parable rebukes all pride and cuts off all merit of works, it is nevertheless true that in other parables our Lord taught the certainty of rewards which he is to grant faithful servants not as a matter of compulsion on his part but in loving grace. C. The Last Stages. Chs. 17:11 to 19:28 The Samaritan Leper. Ch. 17:11-19

If the common people feel that they are unjustly treated nothing will prevent the disintegration of the nation. Religion that does not issue in proper ethics will suffer at the hands of true ethics. The security of society depends upon simple justice. For Study and Discussion. The several incidents attending Solomon's accession to the throne, I K. Chs. 1-2.