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Updated: August 10, 2024

Champfort was the original of all; and that he had told a heap of lies about some bank-notes that my lord had given you, and that you and my lord were to be married as soon as my lady was dead; and I don't know what, which he maliciously circulated through Sir Philip's gentleman to Sir Philip himself, and so round again to my lady.

The subject has been treated by Champfort, a late French writer, and one of the best among Racine's school, in a play called Mustapha and Zeangir. I do not recollect, and have not now the means of ascertaining, whether that fine drama, the Solimano of Prospero Bonarelli is founded on the same tragic incident in the Turkish History.

"It shall be satisfied; Lord Delacour shall make inquiries for me. Lord Delacour shall make inquiries, did I say? will, I should have said. If Champfort had heard me, to what excellent account he might have turned that unlucky shall. What a nice grammarian a woman had need to be, who would live well with a husband inferior to her in understanding!

"I'm morally certain," cried Marriott, "Mr. Champfort would die with vexation, if he could see the joy that's painted in my lord's face this minute. And we may thank Miss Portman for this, for 'twas she made every thing go right, and I never expected to live to see so happy a day."

Only," said her ladyship, falling back in her chair with an hysteric laugh, "only the blunder of Champfort, and the entrance of my Lord Delacour, and the hammercloth with the orange and black fringe forgive me, my dear; for the soul of me I can't help laughing it was rather unlucky; so awkward, such a contretemps!

"If my lady would let me keep my macaw," interrupted Marriott, "I should never think of leaving her." "The macaw she will not suffer to remain in the house, nor is it reasonable that she should: it deprives her of sleep it kept her awake three hours this morning." Marriott was beginning the history of Champfort and the doors again; but Miss Portman stopped her by saying, "All this is past now.

Champfort was at the bottom of the business from the first; and now that I knew what scent to go upon, I went to work with fresh spirit to find him out, which was a thing I was determined upon and what I'm determined upon, I generally do, ma'am.

To be sure, my lord's mightily jealous of being master, and mighty fond of his own way; but I forgive him every thing for doing as I would have him at last, and dismissing that prince of mischief-makers, Mr. Champfort.

From the specimens you have seen, you may guess that I was even then a tolerable proficient in the dear art of tormenting. I had almost gained my point, just broken my lord's heart, when one fair morning I unluckily told his man Champfort that he knew no more how to cut hair than a sheep-shearer.

Vincent's, and Lord and Lady Delacour's, compliments and thanks to a sincere friend, who had been the means of bringing villany to justice." So much for Mrs. Freke and Mr. Champfort, who, both together, scarcely deserve an episode of ten lines. Now to return to Mr. Vincent. Animated by fresh hope, he pressed his suit with Belinda with all the ardour of his sanguine temper.

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