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We must have something ready for her to take. What will be best? 'Perhaps a little infusion of camomile, Pina answered, her teeth chattering with fear. He could not help noticing from her voice that there was something wrong, and he now looked at her for the first time and saw that she was livid. 'I have a chill, she managed to say. 'I have caught the fever, sir. It does not matter!

She had not been to chapel, and was anxious about her father, who had absented himself from his duties as superintendent of late and whose behaviour had been most extraordinary when she called on him on two or three occasions during the week. She was afraid of fever, and sought advice from Mrs. Haddon, who unhesitatingly recommended camomile tea.

I always carried a stock of medicines with me; and a small phial of quinine, which I had bought at Para in 1851, but never yet had use for, now came in very useful. I took for each dose as much as would lie on the tip of a penknife-blade, mixing it with warm camomile tea.

A table-spoonful of the seed of this plant may be taken twice or thrice a day, in a glass of water or small wine. The water trefoil is likewise of great use in this complaint. It may be infused in wine or ale, or drunk in the form of tea. The ground-ivy, camomile, and several other bitters, are also beneficial, and may be used in the same manner.

It seemed as if Aunt Olivia trained the glasses directly upon the corner where the secret glittered in the gra was hidden in Rebecca Mary's troubled little soul. But this is what Aunt Olivia said: "It's your stomach. What you need is a good dose of camomile tea to tone you up. I didn't give you any this spring, for a wonder. Now you go right up to bed and I'll set some to steeping.

Apply to the ear a small flannel bag, filled with hot salt as hot as can be comfortably borne, or foment the ear with a flannel wrung out of hot camomile and poppy head decoction. A roasted onion, inclosed in muslin applied to the ear, is an old-fashioned and favourite remedy, and may, if the bag of hot salt, or if the hot fomentation do not relieve, be tried.

She looked remarkably like one of the aged forest trees unexpectedly come to life. A gnarled, brown, weather-beaten old creature she was, who reminded Billie of a dwarfed apple tree she had seen in Japan, a little old bent thing said to have been over two hundred years old. Attached to the woman's waist was a pocket apron bulging with herbs, camomile and catnip, wood sorrel and sassafras root.

Up and down the High Street she went, with Major Benjy in attendance, buying grocery, stationery, gloves, eau-de-Cologne, boot-laces, the "Literary Supplement" of The Times, dried camomile flowers, and every conceivable thing that she might possibly need in the next week, so that her shopping might be as protracted as possible.

They knew me for an expert in plants; by collecting them as I walked through the fields I had earned the name of a medical herbalist. With poppy-flowers I prepared an elixir which cleared the sight; with borage I obtained a syrup which was a sovran remedy for whooping-cough; I distilled camomile; I extracted the essential oil from the wintergreen.

Plants which in burning give out a thick smoke and an aromatic smell are much sought after for fuel on these occasions; among the plants used for the purpose are giant-fennel, thyme, rue, chervil-seed, camomile, geranium, and penny-royal. People expose themselves, and especially their children, to the smoke, and drive it towards the orchards and the crops.