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There was one thing I could not help remarking, that in the inside of one of the shoes there was a layer of cow's dung, about one-eighth of an inch thick, and in the hollow of the sole fully one-fourth of an inch. It was firm, green, and fresh; and proved that he had been working in a byre. His clothes were all of a singular ancient cut, and no less singular in their texture.

Better bide the Cooks nor the Mediciners. Better bairns greit, nor bearded men. Better saucht with little aucht, nor care with many cow. Better two skaiths, nor ane sorrow. Bring a Cow to the Hall, and she will run to the byre again. Better bow nor break. Bear wealth, poverty will bear itself. Better a wit cost, nor two for nought. Better good sale, nor good Ale.

A little hut, standing on a patch of green, with split-stick fence and a long cow-house of rough planks it must be a saeter! And listen isn't that a girl singing? Peer slipped softly through the gate and stood listening against the wall of the byre. "Shap, shap, shap," went the streams of milk against the pail. It must be a fairy sitting milking in there.

The old song of the Borderers was ringing in his ears: 'Sweet is the sound o' the driven steers And sweet the gleam o' the moonlit spears, When the red cock crows o'er byre and store And the Borderer rides on his foraying splore. He looked from the tail of his eye upon 'Meg wi' the muckle mouth. No beauty certainly, but 'twas fighting he craved, not women.

"Thou art mad," replied the pastor; but he went himself to the byre to see what was there. Hardly, however had he set his foot inside when Thumbling again cried, "Bring me no more fodder, bring me no more fodder." Then the pastor himself was alarmed, and thought that an evil spirit had gone into the cow, and ordered her to be killed.

All were away in the fields and the forest; and, though little of their emotion transpired on their canvases, they were moved, as were Rousseau and Millet, by the grandeur of the blasted oak and the lonely byre standing against the long forest fringes, dimming in the violet twilight. Elsie was delighted with her birch, and Cissy considered her rocks approvingly.

The lads in the byre shook tartan and out to the fresh air, and rejoiced in the wind with deep-drawn gulping breaths, as if they might wash the smallest dust of disease from their bodily systems. So at last only M'Iver and I were left standing at the door. "Well," said John, with an effort, "we must be going. I never thought it was so late.

He seized it and got to his feet, to find that Wat had driven the English over the burn. The cattle were losing their weariness in panic, and tossing wild manes among the Scots. It was like a fight in a winter's byre. The glare on the right grew fiercer, and young Harden's voice rose, clear as a bell, above the tumult. He was swearing by the cross of his sword.

"This is a very singular contract of assurance," said Mr. Owen. "It's clean again our statute law, that must be owned," said Jarvie, "clean again law; the levying and the paying black-mail are baith punishable: but if the law canna protect my barn and byre, whatfor suld I no engage wi' a Hieland gentleman that can? answer me that." "But," said I, "Mr.

I sleep well there, and the dawn comes in and wakens me." "You ban't feared o' piskeys nor nothin' in a lawnsome plaace like thicky byre?" "No, no the rats are rather intrusive, though." "But they'm piskeys or spriggans so like's not!