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Updated: August 3, 2024

I've got money, plenty of money medicine, mines, land got it for me. I've been lucky. Now you come to bluff me me! You don't know old Busby." He spat on the floor. "I'm not to be bluffed. I know too much. Before they could lynch me I'd talk. But to play you, the greatest gambler in the West, for two thousand dollars yes, I'd like the sting of it again.

After such schooling as could be had in the country, he was sent up to Westminster School, then under the headship of the celebrated Dr. Busby. Here he made his first essays in verse, translating, among other school exercises of the same kind, the third satire of Persius. In 1650 he was entered at Trinity College, Cambridge, and remained there for seven years.

"If not we'll take a brief recess until Doctor Bardon returns." One after another the jurors shook their heads. Whatever the coroner did was sufficient for them. Coroner Busby had picked men he knew would agree with him. The recess had lasted but a few minutes, when Doctor Bardon reappeared. His face wore a knowing look that was almost triumphant.

Do not take what I say amiss, and remember that it is sufficient to give a coward a busby to make him hasten to become a soldier and be knocked on the head in the king's service. Tournebroche, our sentiments are composed of a thousand things we cannot detect for their smallness, and the destiny of our immortal soul depends sometimes on a puff too light to bend a blade of grass.

I was wearing our undress jacket, a uniform simple and dark in itself though some figures give distinction to any uniform and I had taken the precaution to remove the long panache from my busby.

Busby of Westminster school; where, about the age of 12 years, he was chosen one of the King's scholars. Besides his skill in the Latin and Greek languages, he had made a tolerable proficiency in the Hebrew; but poetry was his early bent, and darling study.

Piozzi, in her Anecdotes, informs us, that the man who sung, and, by corresponding motions of his arm, chalked out a giant on the wall, was one Richardson, an attorney: the ingenious imitator of a cat, was one Busby, a proctor in the Commons: and the father of Dr.

"I heard a man say once that you were 'as deep as the sea. He did not mean it kindly, but I do. You are in trouble, and I want to share it if I can. Where were you going when you came across me here?" "To see old Busby, the quack-doctor up there," he answered, nodding towards a shrubbed and wooded hillock behind them. "Old Busby!" she rejoined in amazement.

Busby. Sir Stephen Fox, in discourse, told him how he is selling some land he hath, which yields him not above three per cent., if so much, and turning it into money, which he can put out at ten per cent.; and, as times go, if they be like to continue, it is the best way for me to keep money going so, for aught I see. I to Westminster Hall, and there took a turn with my old acquaintance Mr.

A Christian household must not sit down and play at whist, but they are engaged in a Christian and laudable manner if they spend an evening over Dr. Busby, or Master Rodbury cards. Really, it is hard to draw the moral line between cards bearing aces and spades, and cards with the likenesses of Dr. Busby’s son and servant, Doll the dairymaid, and the like.

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