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Updated: August 5, 2024

They talked little more, though it was a long time before either got to sleep. Thyrza saw Grail in the breakfast hour next morning, and received his advice for the day. Bunce had already conveyed the little box of Bessie's clothing to the hospital; thence Thyrza and the child would go in a cab to Victoria. She was at the hospital by nine o'clock.

But her husband, in such emergencies, would become furious and quarrelsome, and would declare that Labour was going to the wall, and that something very strong must be done at once. That shilling which Bunce paid weekly to the Union she regarded as being absolutely thrown away, as much so as though he cast it weekly into the Thames.

And the others I fear have had but a sorry life of it there. Poor Bunce, poor old Bunce!" Bunce was one of the surviving recipients of Hiram's charity, an old man, now over ninety, who had long been a favourite of Mr. Harding's. "How happy old Bunce will be," said Mrs. Bold, clapping her soft hands softly. "How happy they all will be to have you back again.

Mr. Bunce, the doctor, and Mr. Twitt, the stonemason, were in particular profoundly impressed when they knew that Reay had worked for two years on a London newspaper. "Ye must 'ave a ter'uble knowledge of the world, Mister!" said Twitt, thoughtfully "Just ter'uble!" "Yes, I should assume it must be so," murmured Bunce "I should think it could hardly fail to be so?" Reay gave a short laugh.

Bunce, second lieutenant, I am much indebted for his exertions on the main-deck, and his diligence was unremitting in distributing men where most wanted. Mr. Ritchie, master's mate, was particularly distinguished for his gallantry and activity; and the behaviour of the whole, my Lord, was such as entitles them to my warmest gratitude, and general commendation.

Such was the somewhat novel position of Bunce, in the village and neighborhood of Chestatee, when the absolute necessity of the case prompted Munro's application to him for assistance in the proposed extrication of Ralph Colleton.

Indeed, one day when Simon Bunce struck him sharply and hard over the shoulders for dragging home a great piece of sea-weed with numerous curious creatures upon it, Goodwife Dolly rushed out and made such an outcry that the esquire was fain to excuse himself by declaring that it was time that my lord should know how to bide a buffet, and answer it.

Not on him, poor sinner as he was, be the load of such sin! Mr Harding returned to his parlour, meditating with a sick heart on what he had seen, and Bunce with him. We will not describe the parting of these two good men, for good men they were. It was in vain that the late warden endeavoured to comfort the heart of the old bedesman; poor old Bunce felt that his days of comfort were gone.

"Won't do," said the doctor shortly. "Too thin," said Mr Hippetts to himself. "Bunce!" he shouted. Bunce stood out, or rather waddled forth, a stoutly-made boy with short legs, a boy who, if ever he had a chance, would grow fat and round, with eyes like two currants, and a face like a bun. Bunce made a bow like a scoop upside down. "Another excellent boy, sir," said Mr Hippetts.

"Don't you think we're running entirely too close to the wind?" I asked, pacing up and down the office. "My dear Quib," answered Gottlieb soothingly, "don't agitate yourself over so trifling a matter. The only living man who can prove that Hawkins was served is Bunce and Bunce is a fool. At best it would simply be one swearing against the other.

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