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Then the color flushed over her cheek at his lightest word, and he found a real interest in watching it glow and fade from her pale face. "She's the sort of brune that colors well," he thought. "Old Sir John's fancy of 'Her cheek was like a Cathrine pear, The side that's next the sun' suits her exactly.

When the fourteenth arch was reached, the bier was torn from the bearers' hands, and the corpse was flung into the river. "Military honours!" shouted some one, and all who had guns fired at the dead body, which was twice struck. "Tomb of Marshal Brune" was then written on the arch, and the crowd withdrew, and passed the rest of the day in holiday-making.

This was refused by Joubert; and as Brune threatened to quit the capital of Turkey if any longer delay were experienced, the letter was delivered in a garden near Constantinople, where the Sultan met Bonaparte's agent, as if by chance, who, it seems, lost all courage and presence of mind, and did not utter four words, to which no answer was given.

"It is a martyrdom to which I summon all Christians and royalists." "General Brune is at Nantes with the eight thousand prisoners just returned to us by the English after their defeats at Alkmaar and Castricum." "That is the last time they will have the chance. The Blues have taught us the bad habit of not making prisoners.

Menaces of Prussia Offer for restoring Hanover to England Insolent ultimatum Commencement of hostilities between France and Prussia Battle of Auerstadt Death of the Duke of Brunswick Bernadotte in Hamburg Davonet and Bernadotte The Swedes at Lubeck Major Amiel Service rendered to the English Minister at Hamburg My appointment of Minister for the King of Naples New regulation of the German post-office The Confederation of the North Devices of the Hanse Towns Occupation of Hamburg in the name of the Emperor Decree of Berlin The military governors of Hamburg Brune, Michaud, and Bernadotte.

After that, I do as I please, either reading or talking, until sunset when we can ride or walk; the walk being always sweetened with sugar-cane. The evening we always spend on the balcony. Is that grand air enough? O mon teint! je serai joliment brune! We three girls occupy the same room, since Gibbes's arrival, and have ever so much fun and not half enough sleep.

On the subject of this numerous suite of Brune, Markof is said to have obtained several conferences with Talleyrand and several audiences of Bonaparte, in which representations, as just as energetic, were made, which, however, did not alter the intent of our Government or increase the favour of the Russian Ambassador at the Court of St. Cloud.

It is here a general belief that his present command signifies another pacific overture from Bonaparte before your Parliament meets, or, at least, before the New Year. Remember that our hero is more to be dreaded as a Philip than as an Alexander. General Brune has bought landed property for nine millions of livres and has, in different funds, placed ready money to the same amount.

It was entirely the whim and invention of Bonaparte himself, upon a suggestion of Brune, who was far from being so well acquainted with the spirit and policy of the Divan as he had been with the genius and plots of Jacobinism.

"It must, however, be said, that Marshal Brune was just the man to accomplish such a transformation without friction; in him the frankness and loyalty of an old soldier were combined with other qualities more solid than brilliant. Tacitus in hand, he looked on at modern revolutions as they passed, and only interfered when the, voice of his country called him to her defence.