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With great caution, the lad climbed up the slender top of the mast. Bruiser's tail hung over, while he clung with his feet, glaring down at Teddy. The baboon realized that he could not get away. "Come down here!" commanded Teddy, grabbing the beast's tail and giving it a mighty tug. Bruiser's grip gave way. Down shot Teddy and the baboon.

"Bruiser is out," exclaimed Phil. Bruiser was a baboon, whose temper was none too angelic. He was a big heavy fellow, who never lost an opportunity to vent his temper on whoever chanced to be within reach. It seems that on this particular occasion a sleepy keeper was cleaning Bruiser's cage so that it might be neat and presentable when the show opened.

There is little that is admirable in professional pugilism, saving the smile often seen on a fighter's face after he has just received a particularly hard and crushing blow. Indeed, that smile is the bruiser's apology for his life.

But the cross-tree saved him, as the lad figured that it would. One hand was clinging to Bruiser's tail, the other arm thrown about the mast. Now, Bruiser took a hand. With a snarl of rage he fastened in the hair of Teddy Tucker's head, causing that young man to howl lustily.

You will find her serviceable; she's a bruiser's lass and something above it. Ines informed me, Madge, you were going to friends of yours at the Wells. You will stay at the Royal and wait on this lady, who bears my name. You understand?

You will find her serviceable; she's a bruiser's lass and something above it. Ines informed me, Madge, you were going to friends of yours at the Wells. You will stay at the Royal and wait on this lady, who bears my name. You understand?

He hurled the bottle, still half full of ale, at his antagonist, missed him by the fraction of an inch and sent the missile caroming against the Bruiser's ear, thence down among a pyramid of glasses. There was a shivering tinkle; then the roar as of a maddened bull. The Bruiser charged. Windham shot twice into the air and fled.

"Say" Cleggy put his forefinger significantly to the side of his nose "say, can't youse let a sport in on " "Clear out!" Doc Madison broke in quite as suavely as before but there was a sudden glint of steel in the gray eyes as they held the bruiser's, and Cleggy, hastily picking up the tray, scuffled from the room. Madison watched the door close, then he began to pace slowly up and down the room.

It would have been impossible for him to escape, even if he had tried to do so. When the Yorkshire Chicken recovered, the Bruiser's friends laughed at his resolve to quit the ring, but they could not shake it.

All at once Teddy let drive a short-arm blow at the head of the baboon. Few things could withstand that blow, and least of all a baboon. It landed fairly on the grinning jaws and Bruiser's head jolted backwards as if it were going right on into the river. Teddy lost his balance, aided in this by the fact that Bruiser had fastened to the lad's pajamas. "They're going to fall!" roared Mr. Sparling.