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"Since M. de Chateaubriand called Victor Hugo a 'sublime child, I can only tell you quite simply that you have spirit and taste, and write like a gentleman." "He is on the newspaper," said Finot, as he thanked Etienne, and gave him a shrewd glance. "What jokes have you made?" inquired Lousteau, turning to Blondet and du Bruel. "Here are du Bruel's," said Nathan.

Many end the weary round by marrying milliners, or old women, sometimes, however, young ones who are charmed with their handsome persons, and with whom they set up a romance illustrated with stupid love letters, which, nevertheless, seem to answer their purpose. Bixiou wanted either Godard's or du Bruel's place as under-head-clerk, but his conduct interfered with his promotion.

Du Bruel's piece had succeeded, and she foresaw an avalanche of criticisms. Tullia had her At Homes. Every Monday she gave a tea-party; her society was as select as might be, and she neglected nothing that could make her house pleasant. None but the most eminent artists performed in the house.

Still, but for Claudine's caprices, du Bruel would be de Cursy still, one vaudevillist among five hundred; whereas he is in the House of Peers." "You will change the names, I hope!" said Nathan, addressing Mme. de la Baudraye. "I should think so! I have only set names to the masks for you. My dear Nathan," she added in the poet's ear, "I know another case on which the wife takes du Bruel's place."

And Lucien read, quaking for fear, but the room rang with applause when he finished; the actresses embraced the neophyte; and the two merchants, following suit, half choked the breath out of him. There were tears in du Bruel's eyes as he grasped his critic's hand, and the manager invited him to dinner. "There are no children nowadays," said Blondet.

"We went to the Varietes after dinner; but before we left the house I slipped into du Bruel's room, and on a shelf among a pile of waste papers found the copy of the Petites-Affiches, in which, agreeably to the reformed law, notice of the purchase of the house was inserted.

Du Bruel's grandfather was a farmer of taxes ennobled towards the end of Louis Quatorze's reign. Cherin composed his coat-of-arms for him, so the Count's coronet looks not amiss above a scutcheon innocent of Imperial absurdities. In this way, in the short space of three years, Claudine had carried out the programme laid down for her by the charming, light-hearted La Palferine.

The sharp contrasts of heights and depths; of compromise with conscience; of supreme power and want of principle; of treachery and pleasure; of mental elevation and bondage all this made his head swim, he seemed to be watching some strange unheard-of drama. Finot was talking with the manager. "Do you think du Bruel's piece will pay?" he asked.

Like many of his brethren, he bore a stage dancer an affection hard to explain, but well known in the whole world of letters. The woman, as you know, was Tullia, one of the premiers sujets of the Academie Royale de Musique. Tullia is merely a pseudonym like du Bruel's name of de Cursy. "For the ten years between 1817 and 1827 Tullia was in her glory on the heights of the stage of the Opera.

He knows now that it was I who paralyzed Madame du Bruel's kind offices in the matter of the cross; that I had his pamphlet seized; that I sent that Hungarian woman into his house to handle you all, as she did; and that my hand is opening fire in the ministerial journals, which will only increase from bad to worse, not to speak of other machinations which will be directed against his candidacy.