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'What is it? asked one, a young fellow of twenty years. 'It is the flag of the Sigmundskrons, answered a grey-haired, beetle- browed man, pausing with a mouthful of cheese stuck on the end of his murderous knife. 'I have not seen that these twenty years, since the poor baron was killed in the war. There must be a new lord in Sigmundskron. We will ask to-night in the village.

Each of you who has a mother, a wife, a lily browed daughter, put yourself in my place, lend me your sympathy; and at least applaud the loyalty that strangles all individuality, and renders me bound thrall of official duty.

"You know not what you do!" Then even as I spoke I saw that my father had drawn himself up in bed, and that he too was staring at the strange, elfish figure. Gottfried Gottfried, as I remember him in these days, was a tall, dark, heavily browed man, with a shock of bushy blue-black hair, of late silvering at the temples grave, sombre, quiet in all his actions.

A low browed projecting arch, above which was a tower forming a striking part of the stronghold, attracted the girl's attention. Steps led up from the river to a small ricket in the arch which gave entrance into the Tower. "That is the Traitors' Gate," said Lord Shrope. "Through that wicket pass all those guilty of treason." A shudder passed over Francis as she gazed at the forbidding portals.

"Were it said to me while the flame is burning within me, * And the fire blazing in my heart and bowels, 'Wouldst thou rather that thou shouldest behold them * Or a draught of pure water? I would answer, 'Them. " Then he sighed and wept and lamented, reciting these verses also, "Who shall save me from love of a lovely gazelle, * Brighter browed than the sunshine, my bonnibel!

And the other, calm-eyed, cool- browed, serene; strong in her own integrity, with faith in herself, thoroughly at ease; dispassionate, imperturbable; a figure chiselled from some cold marble quarry. Whatever gulf there might exist, she recognized it not. No bridging, no descending; her attitude was that of perfect equality. She stood tranquilly on the ground of their common womanhood.

She held her broad browed head erect, the bristles pointed like needles from her blood-streaked muzzle, grit and pluck could be traced in her every movement, and, in her eyes, universal defiance. Down the dark watercourse she went, twisting her lithe chestnut body S-wise in and out of the coarse grass-clumps. A frog leaped before her.

As for Mr. Bernard, he found it very hard to look upon her, and listen to her unmoved. There was nothing that reminded him of the stormy browed, almost savage girl he remembered in her fierce loveliness, nothing of all her singularities of air and of costume. Nothing? Yes, one thing.

Now, Ruark beheld the heaviness of Bhanavar, and that she drooped in her seat, and he halted her by a cave at the foot of the mountains, browed with white broom.

Unlike most of their women, she was fair, and her type purely American. Her eyes of blue were lightly but clearly browed and abundantly fringed; her hair of burnished gold was luxuriant and wavy, and framed a face of singularly frank and happy expression, even though the features lacked regularity.