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He nodded grotesquely over his raised legs, like two broomsticks in the pyjamas, with enormous bare feet at the end. "Why not? The stuff is pretty expensive in this part of the world, and they were very short of it in Tonkin. And what did he care? You have not known him. I have, and I have defied him. He feared neither God, nor devil, nor man, nor wind, nor sea, nor his own conscience.

"I'm the straightforwardest of men at a word of command." "This is a whisper. Be alert, as you were last night. Shuffle the table well. A little liveliness will do it. I don't imagine malice, but there's curiosity, which is often as bad, and not so lightly foiled. We have Lady Busshe and Lady Culmer here." "To sweep the cobwebs out of the sky!" "Well, then, can you fence with broomsticks?"

In general, however, one could see only dirty wash hung out on the balustrades, curtains made of mats, quilts mended with patches of ill-assorted colors, begrimed rags stretched over broomsticks or suspended from ropes tied from one post to the other, that they might get a trifle more light and air.

As I handed her her brassie: "Tell me one thing," said I. "If I had not been there, how would you have got over the wall?" She looked at me mischievously. "I have a way," she said. "I know," I said, patting her golf-bag. "These aren't really clubs at all." "What are they, then?" "Broomsticks." It was the best part of a mile to the fair lawn, where we holed out underneath the cedars.

On last New Year's eve I was reading the book, and had lost myself in it so completely, that I forgot my usual New Year's diversion, namely, the wild hunt to Amack. Ah, you don't know what that is! "The journey of the witches on broomsticks is well enough known that journey is taken on St.

A long way away they could hear the spitting and crackling sound of the two broomsticks fighting. Looking up, they could see the combatants, like black comets in collision. Our witch, who had good sight, saw that the enemy broomstick was upper-most, and that the writhing Harold was being shaken like a mouse. Their bristles were interlocked.

You, who modestly call yourself the best horseman on the island, how would you do, if you had nothing to ride upon?" "I could at least fall back upon broomsticks," retorted the imperturbable Jack. "Besides, in Willis's case, the canoe was the steed, the oars the saddle nothing more."

I don't doubt they have many a nice airing together on broomsticks. But I don't doubt either it's all nonsense, and there's no such person at all. 'When our cow died, said another, 'she was seen going round and round the cowhouse the same night. To be sure she left a fine calf behind her I mean the cow did, not the witch.

I do not know if, as you say, they ride on broomsticks; but I'll tell you this: My father was no fibber. He told me one day that a certain woman went at their house from time to time. They never saw her come in at the door like one might see another person do, but she simply fell plump in the middle of the kitchen.

Jokes, laughter, round dances, refreshments, interludes of smokings and gigglings in the darkness of the verandah, occasional more intellectual flights in the shape of songs and recitations, mostly of a somewhat lugubrious tendency, to judge by the faces of the auditors, but being mostly in patois they were unintelligible to the British foreigners, more dances, coats off now, to reduce the temperature of the performers, more refreshments, more dances, dances with broomsticks held between the partners, over which they slipped and skipped to the tune of caustic comments by the onlookers, dances between caps laid on the floor and which must on no account be touched by the dancers.