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Updated: September 21, 2024

The second time I ever played this hole I lined out a low ball which struck the tombstone of Deacon Lemuel Smith. It bounded back at least seventy-five yards, but I had a good lie and my second shot was a screaming brassie. It carried the graveyard and landed on the edge of the green.

And from a man who lunges at every shot and makes a 75-yard approach with a brassie Well, it was nothing short of maddening. I kept my temper, though. Can't say that my friend Ellins did. He had sliced into a trap on his drive, while I had topped mine short. We started the first hole with our heads down. Rutter and Staples were a trifle ostentatious with their cheerfulness.

"A drive, two brassies, an approach, and forty puts, I presume?" "For a duffer, perhaps," retorted Adonis. A seventy-five-mile drive, a seventy-mile brassie, a loft over the canal for twenty-five miles, a forty-five-mile cleak, a thirty-mile approach, and " "A dead easy put of five miles!" I put in, making a pretence of being no longer astonished. "That's the idea," said Adonis.

I went out and bought a new brassie to replace the one destroyed by the experimenting Rocksworth youth, and before I got through with it had a new putter, a niblick and a spoon, neither of which I needed for the excellent reason that I already possessed a half dozen of each. Keyed up to a high pitch of enthusiasm, I played golf for ten days, and found my friend to be a fine sportsman.

It is to meet the difficulties arising from having to strike the ball in its different positions that so many instruments are called into requisition for the purpose. The names of the chief sticks and implements employed in the sport are: driver, brassie, spoon, cleek, iron, mashie, niblick and putter. The driver, brassie and spoon are wooden-headed clubs, but the others have always iron heads.

As I handed her her brassie: "Tell me one thing," said I. "If I had not been there, how would you have got over the wall?" She looked at me mischievously. "I have a way," she said. "I know," I said, patting her golf-bag. "These aren't really clubs at all." "What are they, then?" "Broomsticks." It was the best part of a mile to the fair lawn, where we holed out underneath the cedars.

The joy of driving a ball straight after a week of slicing, the joy of putting a mashie shot dead, the joy of even a moderate stroke with a brassie; best of all, the joy of the perfect cleek shot these things the good player will never know. Every stroke we bad players make we make in hope.

Wallace did not tee the ball on any raised inequality of the turf, but simply placed it on a smooth spot, such as one would select as the average brassie lie. If I had any lingering doubt as to his ability, this one preliminary act dispelled it. Now that I calmly recall this scene in that sheep pasture, its dramatic grotesqueness rather appeals to me.

"He'd better rake his hair," responded the latter youth jeeringly. "I'll bet there's lots of hayseed in it!" The subject of their derisive remarks, although standing but a scant distance away, apparently heard none of them. "Hi, West!" shouted Bartlett Cloud as a youth, attired in a finely fitting golf costume, and swinging a brassie, approached.

Burnit, how much political influence do you think you could swing?" "Frankly, I never thought of it," said Bobby surprised. "You belong to the Idlers' Club, you belong to the Traders' Club, to the Fish and Game, the Brassie, the Gourmet, and the Thespian Clubs. You are a member of the board of governors in three of these clubs, and are very popular in all of them.

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