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On a patch of earth, close by the side of the rampart and where the moisture had percolated sufficiently to soften the ground, was the plain imprint of a man's foot, shod in miner's brogans, and half-soled. Nor was that all. The half-soling had evidently been home work, and the supply of pegs had been exhausted.

Was Dave Darrin, staunch and reliable Dave -still there, on post, and unharmed? Was Theodore Dodge there? Were his captors still with him? A few minutes later all fears and doubts were dispelled. Dave Darrin rose to greet the newcomers informing them, in a whisper, that all was still well in the old shanty below. He of the brogans and club heard a slight noise outside.

"There's no use bein' crosser'n a saw-buck, if you are wet, Shorty," said Si, walking to the side of the road and scraping off his generous-sized brogans several pounds of stiff, red mud. "They say this new General with a Dutch name is a fighter from Wayback, an' he always licks the rebels right out of their boots. I'm sure, I hope it's so.

Not twenty feet away from me on another hatch-cover, were Captain Oudouse and the heathen. They were fighting over the possession of the cover at least, the Frenchman was. "Paien noir!" I heard him scream, and at the same time I saw him kick the kanaka. Now, Captain Oudouse had lost all his clothes, except his shoes, and they were heavy brogans.

The heavy brogans weighted down the lightness of her step. The shapeless clothes concealed the grace of the slim figure. But even so there was a vital energy in the way she moved. Tolliver was mending the broken teeth of a hay-rake and making a poor job of it. June made a direct frontal attack. "Dad, did you ever know a man named Pete Purdy?" The rancher's lank, unshaven jaw fell.

When she had gone, the storekeeper returned to his seat on the mackerel kit, and was accosted by a pensive neighbor in high boots who sat upon the upturned end of a case of brogans. "You didn't make no sale that time, Peckett," said he. "No," said the storekeeper, "her idees is a little too fancy for our stock of goods."

I'm sorry to say that this appeal fr'm th' cradle iv our liberties wasn't succissful. Th' hide iv th' pauperized kine iv Europe will have to cough up at th' custom house befure they can be convarted into brogans. This pathriotic result was secured be th' gallant Bailey iv Texas. A fine lib'ral minded fellow, that lad Bailey. He's an ardint free thrader, mind ye.

Between the overalls and the rusty brogans on his feet several inches of bare ankle intervened, and, as he paraded slowly around the field, almost the only sign of life he showed was when he occasionally stooped to brush a mosquito from these exposed portions of his anatomy.

To the front shuffled an old, half-witted hag, with thin gray hair and pendulous lower lip. Her dress was patched and colorless. Her back was bent with age and rheumatism. Her feet were incased in a pair of man's brogans.

Quigg set the table, the lad washed his face, brushed his hair, and despite his homely looking jeans and rough brogans, presented a very sightly appearance as he sat down opposite the little photographer. At least so the latter thought, and remained in apparent deep reflection while eating.