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Pray for mine by-and-by. It will comfort me to know you are praying, darling, even if God is too angry with us to hear!" He held her to his bursting heart, groaning. "If He is angry, it cannot be with you. The sin was mine all mine. He must know!" Later she awakened from a troubled sleep to murmur: "Richard, I dreamed of Bridget-Mary.

"You are incorrigible, dearest," said the sobbing Dowager-Duchess, as she kissed her, "and Castleclare must use all his influence with the Holy Father to induce the Comtesse de Lutetia to give you the veil. So the Dowager-Duchess melted out of the story, and Lady Bridget-Mary Bawne became a nun.

While the scandal lived in the mouths of Society, Lady Bridget-Mary Bawne remained unseen. She was pitied oh, burning, intolerable shame! She was commiserated as a catspaw, and sneered at as a dupe.

And Lady Lucy saw the budding of young passion in the heart of her junior ... and it occurred to her that it would furnish a very excellent excuse for the constant presence of Captain Mildare, if ...! the sweetest and most limpid women have their turbid depths, their muddy secrets and she had confided everything to dearest Bridget-Mary, except the one thing that mattered! Well!

In love there is always one who loves the more, and Lady Bridget-Mary, that fine, enthusiastic, tempestuous creature, was far from realising that she was less to her Richard than he was to her. The reason was not farther to seek than a few doors off in London, when the Ladies Bawne occupied their sombre old corner-house in Grosvenor Square.

"We have pleasure in announcing the approaching marriage of Lieutenant the Right Hon. Viscount Beauvayse, Grey Hussars, Junior Aide to the Colonel Commanding H.M. Forces, Gueldersdorp, to Miss Lynette Bridget-Mary Mildare, ward of the Mother-Superior, Convent of the Holy Way, North Veld Road."

I am not naturally unsociable, or bearish, or a surly misogynist. Rather the contrary. Quite the contrary." She remembered a slim, boyish, young lieutenant of Hussars with whom she had danced in a famous London ball-room more than twenty years back. That boy a woman hater! Struggle as she would the Mother-Superior could not keep Lady Bridget-Mary Bawne from coming to the surface for an instant.

"One other qualification, you mean, father, if that term can be given to the possession of a certain amount of money," said Lady Bridget-Mary, standing very straight and looking very proudly at her father. "Will you object to telling me plainly for how much you would be content to sell your stock, with goodwill?"

Then she drew back, for at first she hardly credited that this tall, pale, quiet woman in the plain, close-fitting, black woollen gown could be Bridget-Mary at all.

Therefore, as you, dear Castleclare, with your wife and the boy, who, I am gratified to hear, has cut another, are going to Rome for Holy Week, perhaps you would wish me in your absence to break the ice with Bridget-Mary?"