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Updated: August 12, 2024

He would go up to Irene and say: "Well, I've won my case, and there's an end of it! I don't want to be hard on Bosinney; I'll see if we can't come to some arrangement; he shan't be pressed. And now let's turn over a new leaf! We'll let the house, and get out of these fogs. We'll go down to Robin Hill at once. I I never meant to be rough with you!

The 'little thing' Irene was taller than herself, and it was real testimony to the solid worth of a Forsyte that she should always thus be a 'little thing' the little thing was bored. Why shouldn't she amuse herself? Soames was rather tiring; and as to Mr. Bosinney only that buffoon George would have called him the Buccaneer she maintained that he was very chic.

"You think so? You think that with the tree there you don't get enough view for your money." Again James eyed him suspiciously this young man had a peculiar way of putting things: "Well!" he said, with a perplexed, nervous, emphasis, "I don't see what you want with a tree." "It shall come down to-morrow," said Bosinney. James was alarmed. "Oh," he said, "don't go saying I said it was to come down!

"Good-night, Mr. Bosinney!" called Winifred. Bosinney started, clawed off his hat, and hurried on. He had obviously forgotten their existence. "There!" said Dartie, "did you see the beast's face? What did I say? Fine games!" He improved the occasion. There had so clearly been a crisis in the cab that Winifred was unable to defend her theory. She said: "I shall say nothing about it.

She had looked at him intently, had torn up the note, and said: "Very well!" And then she began writing another. He took a casual glance presently, and saw that it was addressed to Bosinney. "What are you writing to him about?" he asked. Irene, looking at him again with that intent look, said quietly: "Something he wanted me to do for him!" "Humph!" said Soames, "Commissions!"

Though he had not seen the architect since the last afternoon at Robin Hill, he was never free from the sense of his presence never free from the memory of his worn face with its high cheek bones and enthusiastic eyes. It would not be too much to say that he had never got rid of the feeling of that night when he heard the peacock's cry at dawn the feeling that Bosinney haunted the house.

Bosinney walked right out into the thoroughfare a vast muffled blackness, where a man could not see six paces before him; where, all around, voices or whistles mocked the sense of direction; and sudden shapes came rolling slow upon them; and now and then a light showed like a dim island in an infinite dark sea.

He remembered having seen her sitting in the Botanical Gardens waiting for Bosinney a passive, fascinating figure, reminding him of Titian's 'Heavenly Love, and again, when, charged by his father, he had gone to Montpellier Square on the afternoon when Bosinney's death was known.

It was strange to be hated! the emotion was too extreme; yet he hated Bosinney, that Buccaneer, that prowling vagabond, that night-wanderer. For in his thoughts Soames always saw him lying in wait wandering. Ah, but he must be in very low water! Young Burkitt, the architect, had seen him coming out of a third-rate restaurant, looking terribly down in the mouth!

Bosinney was building Soames a house; whether young Roger's wife was really expecting; how the operation on Archie had succeeded; and what Swithin had done about that empty house in Wigmore Street, where the tenant had lost all his money and treated him so badly; above all, about Soames; was Irene still still asking for a separate room?

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