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Updated: August 22, 2024

Home to dinner, and then to walk up and down in my house with my wife, discoursing of our family matters, and I hope, after all my troubles of mind and jealousy, we shall live happily still. To church again, and so home to my wife; and with her read "Iter Boreale," a poem, made just at the King's coming home; but I never read it before, and now like it pretty well, but not so as it was cried up.

Pelling, and he sat and supped with us; and very good company, he reciting to us many copies of good verses of Dr. Wilde, who writ "Iter Boreale," and so to bed, my boy being gone with W. Hewer and Mr. Hater to Mr. Gibson's in the country to dinner and lie there all night. 26th. Up and to Westminster, and there to the Swan, and by chance met Mr.

Grimm's German Mythology, translated by Stallybrass, 4 vols. Grimm's Fairy Tales. Mr. Lang writes an Introduction to the English translation in Bell's edition. Mannhardt, Germanische Mythen, 1858, and Wald- und Feld-kulte, 1875, 77. For the later Northern section, Vigfusson and Powell's Corpus Poeticum Boreale, especially the Excursus on Religion, i. 401.

In his Iter Boreale, or Journey Northward, we meet with a fine moral reflexion on the burial place of Richard III. and Cardinal Wolsey, who were both interred at Leicester; with which we shall present the reader as a specimen of his poetry.

Pelling, and he sat and supped with us; and very good company, he reciting to us many copies of good verses of Dr. Wilde, who writ "Iter Boreale," and so to bed, my boy being gone with W. Hewer and Mr. Hater to Mr. Gibson's in the country to dinner and lie there all night. 26th. Up and to Westminster, and there to the Swan, and by chance met Mr.

Thorgerd Holgabrud. Snorri has a bare allusion to it. Holger Danske, or Ogier Le Danois. See Corpus Poeticum Boreale, vol. i. p. cxxx., and No. 10 of this series. Rydberg in the Teutonic Mythology, and by Mr. Nutt in the Voyage of Bran. Ballads. Professor Child is perhaps hasty in regarding the two parts of Clerk Saunders as independent.

BRANCHING LARKSPUR. The petals bruised yield a fine blue pigment, and with alum make a permanent blue ink. FRAXINUS excelsior. MANNA. The bark immersed in water gives a blue colour. GALIUM boreale. CROSS-LEAVED BEDSTRAW. The roots yield a beautiful red, if treated as madder. GALIUM verum. YELLOW BEDSTRAW. The flowers treated with alum produce a fine yellow on woollen. The roots, a good red.

With regard to the first three heads, the reader who wishes to see how Saxo compares with the Old Northern poems may be referred to the Grimm Centenary papers, Oxford, 1886, and the Corpus Poeticurn Boreale, Oxford, 1883. In Denmark this was at a stone circle, and the stability of these stones was taken as an omen for the king's reign. The king was of age at twelve.

Bishop Corbet, in his Iter Boreale, tells us that mine host of Market Bosworth was full of ale and history. "Hear him, See you yon wood? there Richard lay With his whole army; look the other way, And lo, where Richmond, in a field of gorse, Encamp'd himself in might and all his force. Upon this hill they met.

G. Vigfusson and F. York Powell, Corpus Poeticum Boreale, i. 200 sq.; Edda Rhythmica seu Antiquior, vulgo Saemundina dicta, Pars iii. pp. 51-54; Die Edda, übersetzt von K. Simrock,* p. 10 sq.; K. Müllenhoff, Deutsche Altertumskunde, v. Zweite Abteilung, pp. 84 sq. Saxo Grammaticus, Historia Danica, ed.

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