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When Amarilly had faithfully pictured the service to the household, Bud's anaemic face grew eager. "Take me with yer, Amarilly, next time, won't yer?" he pleaded. "It's too fer. You couldn't walk, Buddy," she answered, "and we can't afford car-fare fer two both ways." "I'll take him to-night," promised the Boarder. "We'll ride both ways, so fur as we kin.

This kind landlady, now grown old, and living largely in the past, saw points of resemblance between her philosophic boarder and the great Grotius, and soon waxed boastful to the neighbors. Spinoza noticed that he was being pointed out on the streets. His record had followed him.

Yet, in less than a month Maurice found himself beside a boarder of his own sex, instead of Mrs. Davis, and saw that the school-teacher was too far down the table for jokes. When he asked why their seats had been changed, Eleanor said she had felt a draught which caused the widow to smile, and write on a piece of paper an arithmetical statement: "Selfishness + vanity humor = jealousy."

At Amarilly's suggestion, the woodwork was also painted white. "Hard to keep clean," warned Amarilly, divided in her trend of practicality and her loyalty to St. John's favorite color. White won. The moment the paint was dry and the Annex announced "done," the Boarder took Lily Rose to view their prospective domicile.

As each boarder finished his meal he raided the glass of wooden toothpicks and went away with no standing on the order of his going; but Martin waited for Harkless, who, not having attended to business so concisely as the others, was the last to leave the table, and they stood for a moment under the awning outside, lighting their cigars. "Call on the judge, to-night?" asked Martin.

"You must make her the present yourself," said Madame Morin, "for though she's a nun she's a woman, and we women much prefer a present from a man's than from a woman's hand." M M returned with the superior of the convent, two other nuns, and the young boarder, who came from Lyons, and was exquisitely beautiful.

Tanner, as she had expected, a large-minded woman who was quite pleased to have more guests to sit down to her generous dinner, particularly as her delightful boarder had hinted of ample recompense in the way of board money; and she fluttered about, sending Tanner after another jar of pickles, some more apple-butter, and added another pie to the menu. Well pleased, Margaret left Mrs.

A bowl of roses stood on a little table near a window; she got up and went to it, bending over and rearranging the flowers. The light fell on her and on the roses; it was a beautiful attitude, and when at a footfall she looked up expectantly it was more beautiful. But it was only another boarder a Mr.

"You ladies'll have to excuse me," said the intruder cheerfully, "but I can't fool with this bunch no longer. It's pay, or git out, this time and no mistake." Maria began to cry, and forgot to jolt the Boarder, and the Boarder who insisted upon being jolted every instant he was not sleeping or eating, began to cry also.

Fenn, who had been elected cook, soon had them frying with some bits of bacon, and Bart, leaning back comfortably against a big tree, made the remark quoted above. "Say, are you a visitor, or only a day boarder?" asked Fenn, as he looked up from his cooking and observed Bart. "There's lots to be done yet.