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Updated: August 27, 2024

Agent, nor his bloodhounds, nor the cowld and bitther storm that beat upon your poor head, an' you dyin' you don't fear them now, my brave boy you neither feel nor fear any of these things now, Torley, my son! "'No mother, he says 'all we want now is to have you wid us. Our hearts long for you, and why do you stay away from us? Oh! come mother dear, for we're waitin'!

"While you're alive; well, may be not: but sure if it plases God to bring it about, on your own plan, I must endaivor to be contented, Rosha; ay, an' how do you know but I'd dance at their weddin' too! ha! ha! ha!" "Oh, then, it's you that's the bitther pill, Jemmy Burke! but, thank God, I disregard you at all events. It's little respect you pay to my feelings, or ever did."

Murty, left helpless, said a few strong things as he looked after the retreating pair. "It's a guinea to a gooseberry he's taken Frinch lave wid him," he said, "bitther tongued little whipper-snapper that he is! Sure if Bobs gets rid av him it'll serve him sorry, so 'twill. But phwat'll I do about it, at all?" He scratched his head reflectively.

'Not a quarther, says the divil, grinnin' with a bitther laugh; 'give over your reading I bid you, says he, 'and come away wid me. 'Only gi' me a few minits, says he.

Well, Bill Malowney follied her down the boreen, to try could he deludher her back again; but, if she was bitther before, she gave it to him in airnest when she got him alone to herself, and to that degree that he wished her safe home, short and sulky enough, an' walked back again, as mad as the devil himself, to the wake, to pay a respect to poor Tom Dundon.

* God is sometimes thus termed in Ireland. By "Man" here is meant person or being. He is also called the "Man above;" although this must have been intended for, and often is applied to, Christ only. "Your first, is it?" said the good woman. "Your first! May the marciful queen o' heaven look down upon yees, but it's a bitther day yees war driven out in! Sit down, there, you poor crathur.

You were misled or mistaken, or your own bad, suspicious nature made you do her wrong; an' even if it was thrue which it is not, but false as hell why would you crash and wring her daughter's heart by a knowledge of it? Couldn't you let me get through the short but bitther passage of life that's before me, without addin' this to the other thoughts that's distractin' me?"

"Indeed, Lamh Laudher, you're wrong in that; my father's as bitther against you as he is. It was only on Tuesday evenin' last that they told me, one an' all they would rather see me a corpse than your wife. Indeed an' deed, John, I doubt it never can be." "There," replied John, "I see plain enough that they'll gain you over at last.

The Misses Purcell faced the world and its somewhat excessive interest in them with the intrepid esprit de corps of a square of British infantry, but among themselves they fought, as the coachman was wont to say and no one knew better than the coachman "both bitther an regular, like man and wife!"

Don't cry, poor helpless crathers; but how can you help cryin' when your poor mother's cryin'. That's a bitther thing, too, and it's on this page see that that that's it I've between my fingers look at it 'how wet it is wid the poor craythur's tears; but there's no blood here no, no nothing but tears. Oh, here see here a page as big as the rest, bat wid nothing on it.

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