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"In the second bay to the westward, sir," said my father coldly; and Jonas Uggleston gave his foot a stamp, and uttered a fierce oath. "You see, he is in the business," said the lieutenant laughing. "There, Uggleston, you have betrayed yourself." I heard Bigley utter a piteous sigh, and I looked round at him to see the great drops standing on his forehead.

Haul up, please." "But are you sure you can do it?" said my father. "I am certain, sir," replied Bigley; and the men began to haul up the bag. As Bigley was about to give the word to let go once more there came a loud "Ahoy!" from the shore; and turning my head I saw that Bob Chowne had come over and was asking to be fetched.

I haven't had a touch." "Perhaps not, but the flat-fish suck it off gently sometimes. Pull up." Bob drew in the wet line hand over hand, till the lead sinker hit the side of the boat; and Bigley proved to be right, both baits were off his hooks, and as they were being rebaited I hauled in my line to find that it was in the same condition.

"No, no," I said; "that isn't right." "Ha, ha, ha!" laughed Bigley. "Then what is it, please, Mr Clever? Doctor Stacey said bars were fulcrums, and you put the end under a big stone, and then put a little one down for a lever just so, and then you pressed down the end of the bar so, and then " "Oh! Look at it," cried Bigley.

Why, here's one," cried Bigley just then, as he found one of the biggest kicking about among the sea-weed that he had turned out of the bottom of his net.

"It's of no use; we must swim," cried Bigley; but we neither of us stirred, though he began resolutely to take off his big shoes.

Meanwhile Bigley Uggleston was coming along at a lumbering trot, and as soon as he was within hearing I shouted to him: "What are you going to do with that rope?" And now for the first time I noticed that he was carrying a long iron bar balanced in his right hand. Big did not answer, but came panting on. "There, I told you so!" cried Bob; "didn't I say so?"

"That's where old Binnacle always goes when he wants to find a lobster," said Bigley; "and I shouldn't wonder if we get one, for he hasn't been there lately." "How do you know?" I said. "Because he hasn't sold one, nor given us one, nor had one himself." "There, hark at him!" cried Bob. "How can you tell?" "Easy enough." "But how?" "Haven't lobsters got shells?" "Yes." "And aren't they red?"

"Yes, and I'll pay you for it," he snarled; but Bigley was too much excited to notice what he said; and, taking hold of the rope again, he planted himself against the rock to turn his great body into a ladder. "Go on up, Bob, and then you two chaps can pull me up to you."

"The men are being drawn back, all but the fellows with the lights, and one of them is coming forward to light the powder. Yes; now all the others are retiring." "I can see," I whispered. "Now I can see the man with the torch. I say, will it blow the place up?" "I don't know," said Bigley in a low whisper; "but I feel horribly frightened."