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Müller had left her; indeed there was a woman and two quite big girls that had a claim on him, and if Mama hadn't been so anxious to shut it all up, she might have proved that he was a bigamist but I don't know that she was ever sure. Judge Lee put the divorce through for Annie, and Mama took her to the Riviera and petted her, and pulled her through.

It was true he deprived himself of all chance of offering the same terms again for the same goods, unless, indeed, he ran the risks of a bigamist. But what can a man do under such circumstances? He is what he is, and it does seem a pity sometimes that he was made in the image of God, whether for God's sake or his own.

'Mrs Krant became your wife before the expiration of seven years, I know, said Graham, wrinkling his brow. 'Certainly. And therefore she is in the eyes of the law a bigamist' the bishop shuddered 'although, God knows, she fully believed her husband to be dead. But the religious point of view is the one I take, doctor; as a Churchman, I cannot live with a woman whom I know is not my wife.

She might be lying or not, he did not care; he, Peacocke, certainly had lied; so said the Colonel. He did not believe that Peacocke had ever seen his brother Robert. Robert was dead, must have been dead, indeed, before the date given for that interview. The woman was a bigamist, that is, if any second marriage had ever been perpetrated. Probably both had wilfully agreed to the falsehood.

Unknown to him, however, his lines were all tangled and the pawnbroker told him frankly he was a fraud and declined to give him the license. Finally the pawnbroker tried a bluff and declared that if the man did not get out of his place of business he would have him arrested as a bigamist and the fellow fled.

But that was not at all the state of his mind in reference to his son-in-law Augustus Smirkie. Sometimes, as he had heard Mr. Smirkie inveigh against the enormity of bigamy and of this bigamist in particular, he had determined that some 'odd-come-shortly, as he would call it, he would give the vicar of Plum-cum-Pippins a moral pat on the head which should silence him for a time.

'She says that, let the law say what it may, these people are not to be regarded as man and wife. 'Not by me, said Julia. 'Who are you that you are to set up a tribunal of your own? And if you judge of another couple in that way, why isn't some one to judge of you after the same fashion? 'There is the verdict, said Mr. Smirkie. 'No verdict has pronounced me a bigamist.

It was very well for her to declare, with her arms round his neck, that even should he be dragged away to prison, she would still be his true wife, and that she would wait, in sorrow indeed and mourning, but still with patience, till the cruel jailers and the harsh laws had restored him to her. If the law declared him a bigamist, she could not then be his wife.

In the States of the Church a woman may be married at the same time to a Jew and a Catholic, without being a bigamist, because in the States of the Church a Jew is not a man. All the world knows, and says over and over again, that education is less advanced in the Papal States than in any country in Europe.

How can any juryman believe her after that? 'Mr. Seely says that twelve men will not be less likely to think me a bigamist because she has expressed her readiness to commit bigamy; that, if alone, she would not have a leg to stand upon, but that she is amply corroborated; whereas I have not been able to find a single witness to support me.