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Updated: August 5, 2024

Jane ought to have had me in training longer, for I'm discovering that I'm weak of biceps. "Are you coming are you coming to live with us, Evelina? Are you coming? Answer!" questioned the small Henrietta, as she stood commandingly in front of me.

"He 'most keel Applegate," said the Mexican. "Aw, it's easy!" said Pringle eagerly. "There ain't one man in a thousand knows how to fight. It ain't cussin' and gritting your teeth, and swellin' up your biceps and clenching your fists up tight that does the trick. You want to hit like there wasn't anybody there. I'll show you sometime."

Tie the knotted cord here, and bend the forearm so as to press hard against the knot. For the upper arm, press with the fingers against the bone on the inner side, and just on the edge of the swell of the biceps muscle. Now we are ready for the knotted cord. Take a stout stick of wood, about a foot long, and twist the cord hard with it, bringing the knot firmly over the artery.

"Yes, and you would all have been beseeching him not to till now, if I had not taken him by the scruff of the neck and dropped him into the other!" "Well, dear," said Cecil, languidly; "we don't all possess your strength of mind and biceps. What have you got there, Lola?" as the boatman deftly shot the other boat under the overhanging branches. "Water-lily leaves for plates!

If the left arm be raised to a vertical position and dropped to a horizontal, somewhat vigorously, the tapering ends of the pectoralis major and the tendons of the biceps and deltoid may be felt by pressing the parts in the axilla between the fingers and thumb of the right hand. The action of its antagonist, the triceps, may be studied in the same manner.

At the summons a huge, close-cropped head was thrust out of the galley, and a man of beautiful muscular development stepped out before the eyes of the paralyzed skipper, and began to remove his coat. "Ain't he a fine chap?" said the mate admiringly. "Show him your biceps, cook." With a leer at the captain the cook complied.

Then he rolled over on his side, his head resting on the biceps of the under arm, the forearm shielding his eyes from the sun. I stood regarding him wonderingly. "Now's your chance, Hump," he said. "I don't understand," I lied, for I thoroughly understood. "Oh, nothing," he added softly, as if he were drowsing; "only you've got me where you want me."

Just look at that," he added, baring his arm and knotting his biceps. "Climbing around the cave and chasing after Angus Niel have made me as tough as a knot. She won't know me when she sees me." "I wonder if we shall know you the next time we see you, if we ever do," said Jean. "Ho!" said Alan, trying to smile gayly, "of course you will!

"Are thy countrymen all as big as thou art?" he continued thoughtfully, feeling my biceps and scrutinising me closely. "Some of them are bigger," I said. "Then the Boers will have no chance," he said emphatically, and at this moment the Prince emerged from the church.

The stiffest boy who came to Keilhau grew nimble, the biceps of the veriest weakling enlarged, the most timid nature was roused to courage. Indeed, here, if anywhere, it required courage to be cowardly.

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