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There is a great big hunt going on in this world, and women are the ones only a short lap ahead. Can we turn and make good the fight or won't we be torn to death? It has come to this it seems: women must either be weak, and cling so close to man that she can't be struck, keep entirely out of the range of his fists and arms, or develop biceps equal to his.

Nature arms youth for conflict with all the resources at her command speed, power of shoulder, biceps, back, leg, jaw strengthens and enlarges skull, thorax, hips, makes man aggressive and prepares woman's frame for maternity.

Some blushed as he passed by, imagining against their will what an embrace from this hideous and restless Colossus must be. "He is capable of crushing a flea on his arm," the sailors of his village used to boast when trying to emphasize the hardness of his biceps.

Circles are tatued on the biceps, on the back of the thigh, and on the calf of the leg; a modification of the scroll design of the chest occurs on the flexor surface of the forearm. On the forehead is sometimes tatued a star or rosette pattern called LUKUT, antique bead, and it appears that this is of the nature of a recognition mark.

Receptacles of brass and silver are brought him, and for an hour or longer he rubs his handsome frame with unguents and perfumes, slowly stripes forehead, biceps and breast with the ash-marks of sanctity, and places a wafer of his caste on his forehead.

"Do you do Swedish exercises?" "I go through a series of evolutions every morning, with the utmost loathing. I started them as a boy, and they have become a habit like dram-drinking. I would leave them off if I could, but I can't." "Do nothing of the kind. They are invaluable." "But undignified." "Let me feel your biceps, Mr. Winfield," said Mrs. Porter. She nodded approvingly. "Like iron."

Detweiler, you poor benighted nut, is a Greek of the Grecians! He has a chest measurement of ninety-eight inches under-all! His biceps are made of Harveyised steel and his forceps " "For the love of Mike, Amy, shut up!" begged Marvin. "Oh? very well! If you want the poor idiot to go through life with no knowledge of the important er " "We do!" agreed Innes.

"What a girl you are!" he said. He looked a bit sheepishly in the direction of his father; then he stepped behind his sister, laid a hand on each of her imperceptible biceps, and turned her face round to the wall. But Jane faced about at once. "Well, then, he paints "