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Pécuchet had preached at Bouvard; they were on the point of giving way. Gouy asked for a reduction of rent; and when the others protested, he began to bellow rather than speak, invoking the name of God, enumerating his labours, and extolling his merits. When they called on him to state his terms, he hung down his head instead of answering.

Travers, angrily. "These are the fisher-folk, sir," broke in the sailing-master, "we've observed these three days past flitting about in a canoe; but they never had the sense to answer our hail; and yet a bit of fish for your breakfast " He smiled obsequiously, and all at once, without provocation, began to bellow: "Hey! Johnnie! Hab got fish? Fish! One peecee fish! Eh? Savee? Fish!

Before the deer could recover his bewildered senses, the wolf leaped full for his side. But someone else leaped too. With a marvelous spring, the Eskimo boy landed full upon the reindeer's back. Coming face to face with the surprised and enraged wolf, he poised his lance for the fatal thrust. But at that instant, with a bellow of fear, the deer bolted.

There were not less than twenty altogether, and they swam out into the middle of the inlet and floated about, looking like logs in the water, excepting that one stretched up its head and gave a bellow like a bull.

I'll be I mean of course not," exclaimed Turnbull, beginning with a savage bellow and suddenly calming himself again. "What d'ye s'pose a man like me wants to go pokin' about ashore there, huntin' after caves for? I've somethin' else to do.

When she came out fully dressed she looked tired and pale, but her head was high and her manner proudly self-contained. Westervelt, surrounded by a small group of depressed auditors, among whom were Mrs. MacDavitt, Hugh, and Royleston, was holding forth in a kind of bellow. "It proves what? Simply that they will not have her in these preachy domestic parts, that's all.

With a crashing bellow of rage and a sweep of his powerful tail he darted at the inoffensive head. But it vanished instantly, and a sudden tremendous turmoil, developing into a wake that lengthened out with the speed of a torpedo-boat, showed him the hopelessness of pursuit. Turning abruptly, he swam back to the shore and sulkily withdrew into the thickets to seek some less unmanageable quarry.

He laughed till he coughed again, and, wiping the sweat from his forehead, would bellow all over the place "Can any one of my labouring men carry loads like Toad can?"

The bellow flung away to distant cadences which settled softly into the night mysteries. There was dankness in the air and the smell of skunk cabbage from a short stretch of swamp and brule directly opposite. Through the velvet gloom the fire-flies trailed.

But the moment politics flutter on the breeze, the masked battery on the Bench is uncurtained to bellow forth anti-Nationalist shrapnel. Irish Judges, in fact, are very like the horse in the schoolboy's essay: 'The horse is a noble and useful quadruped, but, when irritated, he ceases to do so." "Police. The Royal Irish Constabulary was formerly an Army of occupation.