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The war thus extinguished at Rome was rekindled in Romagna by Batista da Canneto, who at Bologna slew some of the family of the Grifoni, and expelled from the city the governor who resided there for the pope, along with others who were opposed to him.

Giovanni Batista da Montesecco, after a long examination, was beheaded; Napoleone Franzesi escaped punishment by flight; Giulielmo de' Pazzi was banished, and such of his cousins as remained alive were imprisoned in the fortress of Volterra.

But does Dana know what he had to be thankful for, in getting off with one dress? Tell him, ye patient husbands, whose pockets seem to be made like lemons, only to be squeezed! Tell him, ye insatiate ones, who have new wants and new ideas every day! Dana's dress was, probably, an holan batista, which he calls "Bolan"; it was, in other words, a figured linen cambric.

Giovanni Batista, having arrived at Florence, obtained an interview with Lorenzo, by whom he was most graciously received; and with regard to the advice he was commissioned to ask, obtained a wise and friendly answer; so that he was astonished at finding him quite a different character from what he had been represented, and considered him to possess great sagacity, an affectionate heart, and most amicably disposed toward the count.

To render the pope's authority available in their behalf, Giovanni Batista was ordered, before his departure, to communicate with the pontiff, who offered every means at his disposal in favor of their enterprise.

Martyr's Decades were not published until 1516, excepting the first three, which were published in 1511, at Seville. This narrative of the voyages of Columbus is referred to by Gio. Batista Spotorno, in his historical memoir of Columbus, as having been written by a companion of Columbus.

Batista da Canneto, as in the case with all who retain authority only by the consent and forces of another, when the duke's people had quitted Romagna, unable with his own power to keep possession of Bologna, fled, and Antonio Bentivogli, the head of the opposite party, returned to his country.

VECINA. Soy la Nicolasa, señora ... la mujer del guarda de a caballo ... que vive en ese otro cuarto ... ya se ve ... su señoría no se acordará de ... porque nunca me ha visto ... o por mejor decir nunca me ha mirado a la cara, cuando me ha encontrado al subir o bajar del coche ... aunque yo saludo siempre ... pero doña Manuela la doncella me conoce muy bien ... y le habrá hablado de a su señoría ... toma si le habrá hablado muchas veces ... como que por ella me tomó su señoría el otro día aquella pieza de batista.

These things Giovanni Batista did not in reality believe, for he had heard from many Florentines quite contrary statements. While occupied with these deliberations, Carlo, lord of Faenza, was taken ill, and tears were entertained for his life.