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Updated: August 19, 2024

He had come to Guernsey to learn by personal observation what chances tomato growing held out to a young man in a hurry to get rich. "Tomato growing?" I echoed dubiously. And then, to hide a sense of bathos, "People have made it pay. Of course, they work very hard." "M'yes," said James without much enthusiasm. "But I fancy," I added, "the life is not at all unpleasant."

It was a half-baked eloquence, sadly liable to bathos, divided, indeed, between sentences ringing with the great words 'genius' and 'fame, and others devoted to an indignant contemplation of the hassocks in the old pews, 'the touching and well-worn implements of prayer, to quote his handsome description of them, which a meddlesome parson was about to 'hurl away, out of mere hatred for intellect and contempt of the popular voice.

Nay, the bathos often rendered her petty unconscious provocations the more harassing, and Sophy often felt, in an agony of self-reproach, that she ought to have known herself too well to expect to show forbearance with any one when she was under the influence of ill-temper. In Easter week Mr. Ferrars brought Lucy and Maurice home, and Gilbert came for a short holiday.

The speaker had evidently no notion that there was a scale of value for judgments on these topics, and that the judgments of the Saturday Review ranked high on this scale, and those of the British Banner low; the taste of the bathos implanted by nature in the literary judgments of man had never, in my friend's case, encountered any let or hindrance. Just the same in religion as in literature.

It is the gentle laugh, not violating, but just humanising, that very solemn kiss; the quip that just saves passion from toppling over the brink into bathos, that mark the skilful lover. No lover will long be successful unless he is a humourist too, and is able to keep the heart of love amused.

And, on the other hand, we have another philosophical theory rife among us, to the effect that without the labour of perverting ourselves by custom or example to relish right reason, but by continuing all of us to follow freely our natural taste for the bathos, we shall, by the mercy of Providence, and by a kind of natural tendency of things, come in due time to relish and follow right reason.

Woodhouse's gruel, his conversations are "thin but not so very thin." He never attempts grandiloquence; but then he never sinks into the fashionable bathos of "Sugar in your tea, dear?" "Another lump, if you please," nor does he fall into the fashionable realism of "Dry up, old man!" No!

"'And would we hear it, we must hear it Now!" repeated Adderley, with opportune bathos at this juncture "As I have said, and will always maintain, Omar's verse always fits in with the happy approach of creature comforts! Behold the illustration and example! Primmins with the tea!"

Whittle, speaking of Father Dunn, says he was "the father of the Catholic school, the House of Recovery, and the Gasworks," and adds, with a plaintive bathos, that "on the very day he left this sublunary world he rose, as was his custom, very early, and in the course of his rambles exchanged a sovereign for sixpences, for distribution amongst the indigent."

Wit is sacrilege, and sentiment is bathos. Not another rose fell from my lips during the performance, though that I minded little, as I was the more able to count the pearls that fell from the Sphinx's eyes.

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