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Indeed, I thought it well to change the subject for the edification of Bickley who had recovered and was drawn back by his eager curiosity. Just then, too, Bastin joined us, happy in his regained boots. "You tell us, Lady Yva," I said, "that you slept, or should have slept for two hundred and fifty thousand years." Here Bastin opened his eyes. "If that was so, where was your mind all this time?"

"Why should he dread to die," asked Bickley, "seeing that sleep and death are the same?" "Because his knowledge tells him that Sleep and Death are not the same, as you, in your foolishness, believe, for there Bastin is wiser than you. Because for all his wisdom he remains ignorant of what happens to man when the Light of Life is blown out by the breath of Fate.

They agreed, at least each of them said he had noticed it in the other. Indeed Bastin added that the damp and the cold in the church, in which he held daily services to no congregation except the old woman who cleaned it, had given him rheumatism, which prevented him from sleeping. "Do call things by their proper names," interrupted Bickley.

As she passed us, however, the Glittering Lady whispered this time to Bastin that he would see them again in a few hours, adding: "We have much to learn and I hope that then you who, I understand, are a priest, will begin to teach us of your religion and other matters."

"Hand them over." "Yes; if I had been allowed a little more time I intended " "Never mind what you intended; we know what you did and that's enough," said Bickley as he snatched the packet from Bastin's hand and proceeded to undo it, adding, "By heaven! I have no matches, nor have you, Arbuthnot!" "I have a dozen boxes of wax vestas in my other pocket," said Bastin.

"Does it always go on like that?" said Bastin, sitting up and staring after it. "Tens of thousands of years ago it was journeying thus, and tens of thousands of years hence it will still be journeying, or so I think," she replied. "Why not, since the strength of the draught never changes and there is nothing to wear it except the air?"

Nor was Bastin alarmed, if for other reasons. "I think it right to tell you, Oro," he said, "that the only future you need trouble about is your own. God Almighty will look after the western civilisations in whatever way He may think best, as you may remember He did just now. Only I am sure you won't be here to see how it is done." Again fury blazed in Oro's eyes.

Why, what is the matter with that toy of yours, Preacher?" and he pointed to the pistol. Well might he ask, for as he spoke the revolver flew out of Bastin's hand. High into the air it flew, and as it went discharged itself, all the six chambers of it, in rapid succession, while Bastin stood staring at his arm and hand which he seemed unable to withdraw.

Only one thing is certain, that no creature which has life desires to leap into the fire and from the dross of doubts, to resolve the gold or the lead of certainty. "It is time to be going," said Bastin. "In these skies the sun seems to tumble down, not to set decently as it does in England, and if we wait any longer we shall be late for our appointment in the sepulchre.

I cannot say for certain, though much of what I seemed to see fitted in very well indeed with what I learned in after days, and certainly at the time they appeared as real as though Oro and I had stood together upon those various shores. Now of all these happenings I said very little to Bastin and Bickley.