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Updated: August 12, 2024

"You're taking much for granted, though yours seems to be the conventional view. But how did you learn railroad building, for example?" "By unloading ties and shoveling ballast on the track. The trouble was that I began too late." "What did you do before that?" "Sometimes I worked in sawmills and sometimes packed that means carrying things for survey parties, and went prospecting." "In the wilds?

One diminutive but intrepid youth of six won for himself the proud distinction of "our old experienced aëronaut," being generally used as ballast in making up a load. Donaldson's fondness for proving his nerve in the face of a doubting crowd led him into many difficulties, as it finally caused his death.

It must not here be omitted to notice that the Smeaton took in ballast from the Bell Rock, consisting of the shivers or chips of stone produced by the workmen in preparing the site of the building, which were now accumulating in great quantities on the rock. These the boats loaded, after discharging the iron.

"Why, Worthyvale, what's the matter?" asked my father, soothingly. "My l'il heap o' stones, Sir John; my poor l'il heap o' stones! What's to become o' me, master? Where will your kindness find a bellyful for me, if these murderin' seamen take away my l'il heap o' stones?" My father laid a hand on the old man's shoulder. "Captain Pomery wants them for ballast, Worthyvale. You understand?

The wood work near the switches was blazing fiercely, and soon the ship was filled with smoke. "Empty the ballast tanks!" called the professor. "We must rise to the surface!" "We'll all be burned up!" cried Tom. "First we nearly smother and then we get on fire. Neber saw such luck!" With a rush the Porpoise began to rise, as her tanks were lightened.

But some allowance must naturally be made for his peculiar temperament and for his particular state of health. Consumptive people are apt to take a somewhat hectic view of life in every way; they lack the common-sense ballast that makes most of us able to value the lives of a few hundred poor distant savages at their proper infinitesimal figure.

"Marriage without love on both sides is a ship without ballast. Yet, I can't help thinking that you are mistaken in your idea that you have lost the capacity for that form of love. You may know what it is. Most women do. But I wonder if you have ever really felt it." "Not to the full," Avery answered, her voice very low. "Then I was too young.

"More likely he is uplifted with some fancy of his own. It may be only with the meeting of me after our encounter," said Humfrey. "He is a brave fellow and kindly, but never did craft so want ballast as does that pate of his!" "Humfrey," said his brother, riding nearer to him, "did he not call that fellow in black, Langston?" "Ay, Cuthbert Langston. I have heard of him.

In August 1591, Lord Thomas Howard, with six English line-of-battle ships, six victuallers, and two or three pinnaces, was lying at anchor under the Island of Florez. Light in ballast and short of water, with half his men disabled by sickness, Howard was unable to pursue the aggressive purpose on which he had been sent out.

"I have no experience," said I; "but I can do anything I am put to. Where are you bound for?" "We are in ballast for Leith, to fetch coal for Cadiz." "All right," said I, forcing myself upon the man; "it's all the same to me where I go; I am prepared to do my work." "Have you never sailed before?" he asked. "No; but as I tell you, put me to a task, and I'll do it.

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