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The brothers played a very watchful but perfectly fair and honorable game with each other in this love affair, which had already lasted six years. Meanwhile Francezka had not forgotten her friend, Captain Babache, but often sent me kind messages. Through Gaston Cheverny, I knew quite well all that passed at the château of Capello.

I remained silent, and, after a while, he turned to me and taking me by the arm, said: "Babache, you are an honest man. Come with me." We returned arm in arm to Mademoiselle Lecouvreur's house. It had not occurred to me to present myself uninvited, but without a word I followed this man, who had something compelling about him.

Nothing is more uncomfortable than to live with a mystery, and when that mystery is in the person one should love best in the world, when it poisons all the springs of joy and makes the things known best in life strange to one, it is a very dreadful thing. Francezka spoke after a while. "Do you wonder, Babache, that I am a miserable woman?"

"Mademoiselle Capello was most kind and charming," he said, "and, by the way, Captain Babache, she desired her remembrance to you." "And nothing to me?" cried Gaston. Regnard smiled I never liked his smile, in which his eyes took no part. "Do you think, boy," he replied, "that I employed the gracious minutes that Francezka I mean Mademoiselle Capello allowed me, in talking to her of another man?"

"I am considering," said Monsieur Voltaire, with a wicked grin, "of making a new comedy something on the order of a roaring farce. Count Saxe's expedition to Courland will make excellent material. First act: Count Saxe going forth with Captain Babache and three hundred Uhlans, to conquer the universe.

He offered to get letters from many royal and noble persons and officers of rank in both armies. Francezka, in thanking him, said, with tears in her eyes: "I realize at this moment that I am, for the present, strangely alone in the world. I know not whom to advise with, except you, Count Saxe, and my good Babache. I know, however, one thing which is necessary to me, and that is, Babache.

"You understand, Babache, she is not yet quite seventeen. In another year she will be her own mistress; but I think she regards as sacred her father's injunction not to marry for two years after her majority. Nay, I believe she wants those two years of freedom. All this does not frighten me but her fortune will be very great, and that frightens me. Mine is but small.

Meanwhile, Francezka and Gaston had withdrawn into the shadow of the courtyard wall, where Gaston continued to whisper in her ear. Count Saxe, however, speaking to me by name, Francezka glanced up, and instantly coming toward me, laid her hand on my arm. "This is my good friend Babache," she said, smiling into my face. "Yes, Mademoiselle," I answered, "this is your good friend Babache."

Babache! Come quickly quickly, or you will be too late!" I fought my way to Brussels against the elements, and reached there at sunset of the last day of the year. I had not slept for thirty-six hours, and then it was in the rude cart of a peasant, jolting over the rough highroad. But sleep had departed from me.

"'Mademoiselle, said I, 'command me. This old man is not the only person Jacques Haret has injured. I, too, have a mortal injury to avenge for he was my guest. "'Avenge it, then, she said, her eyes sparkling 'vengeance is mine, saith the Lord but I take it, God selects His instruments from among men. And I shall also ask that Captain Babache keep an eye open for that wicked man "