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One might have thought it a convenience to live at a distance from the school. The next town was a mile from Avondale, and Gwen thought it very daring to take the trip alone. "It makes me sick to listen when Gwen Harcourt is talking about going to school," said Rob. "She thinks it a great thing to ride a mile!

His uncle James of Avondale, his red cousin of Angus, the grave ill-assorted figure of the Abbot of Dulce Cor, had all vanished. Only the young and chivalrous remained, his cousins, William and James, Hugh and Archibald, good lances all and excellent fellows to boot.

This hero business, for a starter what about it? I thought it was an English duke that chartered the steamer to rescue Genevieve." "No, only the son of a duke, James Scarbridge, the Right Honorable the Earl of Avondale." "My ante!" "It's in the jack-pot, and as good as lost. What chance have you now to win Genevieve, with a real earl and a real hero in the field?" "Earl and hero?

Instead of shrinking from him, as he half feared, she slipped an arm up about his neck. With a blissful sigh, she drew back from the kiss, to answer him in a tone of tender mockery: "The Right Honorable the Earl of Avondale is informed that his ah salute is received with pleasure." "Darling!" "Wait," she teased. "You have it all turned 'round. You've yet to tell me the exact moment when.

It struck the young man, however, that Mr. Dingwall's slight coolness on receiving the news might be attributed to a suspicion that he was following Miss Avondale, whom he had fancied Dingwall disliked, and he quickly made certain inquiries in regard to Miss Eversleigh and the possibility of his meeting her.

The Avondale arrived the next day at the island which had been chosen as a dockyard, and the ship-building was at once commenced. All the material for constructing the air-ships had been brought out completely finished as far as each individual part was concerned, and so there was nothing to do but to put them together.

"You mistake me, my dear. What I wish to make clear to you is that, however hopeless Blake's condition may be, you are responsible for his failure upon this occasion." "And if so?" "Premising that in one respect my attitude toward him is unalterable, I wish to say that he has risen very much in my esteem. I have had confidential talks with Griffith and Lord Avondale regarding him.

"But," he continued, with his forced laugh, which to Randolph's fancy masked a certain threatening significance, "I say, it would have been a beastly business, don't you know, if you HAD been called upon to produce it again ha, ha! eh?" Returning to the dining room, Randolph found Miss Avondale alone on a corner of the sofa.

"Well, we had a fine trip in our hammock-steamer," said Princess Polly, "and if our vessel did pitch pretty badly, what did we care, while the sky was blue and cloudless overhead?" "It has been bright and sunny here at Avondale," said Sprite, "and I've had a lovely time, and I only long to go home, just because it is home."

Go also into Douglasdale and tell my cousin William of Avondale and if he is too late to save, I know well he will avenge me." "O William Douglas, if indeed ye will neither fleech nor drive, I pray you for the sake of the great house to send your brother David, that the Douglases of the Black be not cut off root and branch. Remember, your mother is sore set on the lad."