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Updated: August 21, 2024

A young girl came up to me; she was a pretty, quiet little soul, one might almost say, demure; not at all the sort of girl from whom you would have expected such a thing. I was never more surprised in all my life." "Surprised about what?" I said. George always assumes you know the end of the story while he is telling you the beginning; it is an annoying method.

"No, but a man can prevent his associates from annoying his wife." He made no answer, but toyed nervously with a paper cutter. Determined to get at the truth, she went on: "What business interests can you have together? Is it legitimate business or merely stock gambling?" "What do you mean?" Rising from the divan, she went toward him.

The free and easy manner in which his nephew conducted himself was peculiarly annoying and exasperating to the old man, but as often as he was impelled to speak, the sight of his nephew's resolute face and vigorous frame, which he found it difficult to connect with his recollections of young Ben, terrified him into silence, and he contented himself with following his nephew around uneasily with looks of suspicion.

Aunt Wess' fixed her with a distressful gaze. She sniffed once or twice, and then began fumbling in her reticule for her handkerchief. "If only her dear father were here," she whispered huskily. "And to think that's the same little girl I used to rap on the head with my thimble for annoying the cat! Oh, if Jonas could be here this day."

Now observe, Dunsford, you were speaking sometime ago about the joking of intimates being frequently unkind. This is just an instance to the contrary. Ellesmere, who is not a bad fellow at least not so bad as he seems knows that he can say anything he pleases about my style of writing without much annoying me.

Allison with the historical reflection that more than one son of the Oxford Movement had found in a passion for the stage a ready means of annoying the English Puritan. When it came, however, to the young man's producing risky plays of his own composing at extremely costly matinees, there was nothing for it but to interfere.

He had never seen her so radiantly debonnaire; yet her heart was full of annoying anxiety. "There's so much I want to say to you," he answered more seriously. "So very much?" "Very much indeed." She looked up the road. "I can give you ten minutes," she said. "Suppose we walk up and down under these trees. It is shady and quiet here. Now proceed, monsieur. Is it my money or my life?"

As a general rule it is the subaltern who makes the greatest outcry against the disciplinary measures of his captain, or the captain who most vehemently condemns the policy of his colonel, who proves in turn the most inconsiderate and annoying of superiors. But Devers was shrewd, "wise in his generation." He knew his reign must be short at best. He felt that he had a difficult rôle to play.

He has remarked that the ruminants constitute baits for flies; therefore he never leaves these animals, hops about on their backs and delivers them from annoying parasites; the buffaloes, who recognise this service, allow the bird to wander quietly over their hide. The Buphaga, who gives himself up entirely to this kind of chase, is often called the Beef-eater.

It was rather annoying to be obliged to question that "young one" about their flocks; but there was no other way. "Have you seen our animals?" Lisbeth looked at them pleadingly. "They are here at the foot of the hill. I have been taking care of them, but you must not thrash Jacob for it." The boys looked as they felt, rather crestfallen.

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