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Updated: August 28, 2024

Here they were able to approach, through gardens and the ruins of a village, until near the defences and, establishing a powerful battery, opened fire, and soon made a breach in the walls between the Turkoman and Ajmere gates. Unable to hinder them the Sepoys, aided by a portion of the population, worked from the morning of the 10th until that of the 12th to form an inner defence.

He put an arm about her, and she hid her face in his coat. "Yes, that's the truth, Dick. You make me ashamed." So she remained for a little while, and then she drew herself away. "I will think and tell you, Dick," she said. "Tell me now!" "No, not yet. It's all your life and my life, you know, Dick. Give me a little while." "I go away to-morrow." "To-morrow?" she cried. "Yes, I go to Ajmere.

Some information of his plans seems to have reached the ears of Akbar whilst he was paying his annual visit to Ajmere in 1576-7, and he despatched his most trusted general, also a Rájpút, the Mán Singh of Jaipur, whom we have seen fighting by his side in Gujarát, with five thousand horse, to beat him up. The two opposing forces met at Huldíghát, called also Gogandah, in December 1576.

She sang in a low small voice, very pretty to the ear, and she was accompanying herself softly on the piano. Dick stood for a while listening in the lofty hall, while Ralston looked over his letters which were lying upon a small table. He opened one of them and uttered an exclamation. "This is from my man at Ajmere," he said, but Dick paid no attention. Ralston glanced through the letter.

He waved his tail with dignity and trotted in content. Hard by the Ajmere Gate they halted, for some bullock carts had claimed their centuries-long prerogative of getting in the way. While the bullocks, to much tail-twisting and objurgation, labored in the mud in every direction but the right one, Colonel Kirby sat his charger almost underneath the gate, waiting patiently.

The custom is ancient, although I was not able to ascertain its origin or the reason why the priests do not allow the pudding to cool below the danger point before serving it. Ajmere is the headquarters of one of the greatest railways in India, with extensive shops, employing several thousand natives and Europeans.

"I will write them," said Stella quietly. And she sat down at her own writing-table there and then. The doctor from Ajmere arrived during the day, made an examination and telegraphed a report to the Chief Commissioner at Ajmere. That report contained the three significant points which Repton had enumerated to Thresk, but with some still more significant details.

The year, at its close, witnessed the siege of Merta, a town in the Jodhpur state, then of considerable importance, beyond Ajmere, and seventy-six miles to the north-east of the city of Jodhpur. This expedition was directed by Akbar from Ajmere where he was then residing, though he confided the execution of it to his generals.

"He has found him," he cried. "Shere Ali is in Ajmere." It took a moment or two for the words to penetrate to Linforth's mind. Then he said slowly: "Oh! Shere Ali's in Ajmere. I must start for Ajmere to-morrow." Ralston looked up from his letters and glanced at Linforth. Something in the abstracted way in which Linforth had spoken attracted his attention. He smiled: "Yes, it's a pity," he said.

In gratitude for its victory Akbar, in pursuance of a vow he had made before he began the siege, made a pilgrimage on foot to the mausoleum of the first Muhammadan saint of India, Ma'inu-i-din Chisti of Sijistan, on the summit of the hill of Ajmere. He had not then emancipated himself from his early training. He remained ten days at Ajmere, and returned thence to Agra by way of Mewát.

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