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& I annoolly repair here to git some more on 'um; &, bein' here, I tho't I'd issoo a Adress to the public on matters and things. Since last I meyandered these streets, I have bin all over the Pacific Slopes and Utah. I cum back now, with my virtoo unimpaired; but I've got to git some new clothes. Many changes has taken place, even durin' my short absence, & sum on um is Sollum to contempulate.

"Cray was the name of the village near near oh, I can't remember near where," I was saying, when Tom, who had been examining the letter with great attention, exclaimed, "Audrey, there's more writing here on the other side that you haven't seen C. R. I believe it's the 'drecktion." And so it was. "ESTHER PIERSON, Flure's Cottage, Cray, Near Coppleswade. is my adress," Pierson had added.

Luci, Je suis fort Etone Mademoiselle qu'une fame de cette Age qu'a notre Tante soi si deresonable. Elle se done tout La paine immaginable pour agire contre Les interets de sa niece par son retard du payment dont vous m'avez deja parle. 'Voici une lettre que je vous prie de cachete, et d'y mettre son adress, et de l'envoier sur Le Champ a Madame de Labruiere.

Cumberledge," it said, with somewhat uncertain spelling, "and I am very sorry that I was not able to Post the letter to you in London, as the lady ast me, but after her train ad left has I was stepping into mine the Ingine started and I was knocked down and badly hurt and the lady gave me a half-sovering to Post it in London has soon as I got there but bein unable to do so I now return it dear sir not knowing the lady's name and adress she having trusted me through seeing me on the platform, and perhaps you can send it back to her, and was very sorry I could not Post it were she ast me, but time bein an objeck put it in the box in Basingstoke station and now inclose post office order for ten Shillings whitch dear sir kindly let the young lady have from your obedient servant,

P. S. Would be pleased to hear from you, Sir. Mexico, 16 Oct. 1897. Dear Sir, I beg to inform you that I have forwarded by to days mail to your adress a copy of my 20th Century planetary spectacle with a clipping of a german newspaper here.

I sat perfectly still in a large chair, and except for an ocasional sneaze, was quiet. Only once did my parent adress me in an hour, when he said: "What the devil's making you sneaze so?" "My noze, I think, sir," I said meekly. "Humph!" he said. "It's rather a small noze to be making such a racket." I was cut to the heart, dear Dairy.