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Updated: August 23, 2024

To give an idea as to how Sheridan's oratorical powers impressed his contemporaries, it is perhaps enough to repeat what Burke said of his second speech against Warren Hastings, namely, that it was "the most astonishing effort of eloquence, argument, and wit united of which there is any record or tradition", and to add that when, after three hours of impassioned pleading, he brought his first speech against Hastings to an end, the effect produced was so great that it was agreed to adjourn the house immediately and defer the final decision until the members should be in a less excited mood.

To this the Speaker answered, 'he was commanded otherwise by the King, and got up to leave the chair which, according to the rules of the House of Commons would have obliged it to adjourn without doing anything more when two members, named Mr. HOLLIS and Mr. VALENTINE, held him down.

I see that the Rev. Mr. Sweet is present, and I suggest that we adjourn, after he has favored us with a prayer." As the minister came forward, Deacon Hartington dropped his head and began to flutter his eyelids. The Rev. Mr. Sweet prayed, and so was brought to an end the most exciting meeting ever held in Brampton town hall. But Miss Lucretia did not like being called "a famous lady."

It was inevitable that they should fall into deep and earnest council together, and when dinner was over they agreed to adjourn to the house of a friend learned in ecclesiastical law to hunt up the rights of the case, leaving Anne to await them in a private room at the Spotted Dog, shown to her by the landlady.

"Quartermaster, head for the volcano yonder. Mr. Slade, we want to know where you came from; and why you left the schooner, and who Percy Darrow is. And there's dinner, so we'll just adjourn to the messroom and hear what you can tell us. But there's one thing we're all anxious to know; how came you in the dory which we found and left on the Laughing Lass no later than two days ago?"

Birch, you compound a comforting statement for the papers. We adjourn till tomorrow at nine-thirty." They did adjourn, but lingered for an hour digging into the past seven years. It was a talk such as one might expect under the circumstances. Charged with an apprehension but thinly veiled by manner and speech, events took on for them no perspective. They were too close at hand.

I do not say every thing fulsome, but every thing panegyrical, has already been written out, with blanks for names, to be filled when the convention shall adjourn.

All smiled saved Sefton and Prescott. "General, would you let gallantry override patriotism?" asked the President. "There ain't no woman in the world that can batter down the Confederacy," replied the other stoutly. "If that is ever done, it'll take armies to do it, and I move that we adjourn." The President looked at his watch. "Yes," he said, "we must go. Mr.

About four, when it was beginning to be dusk, they were very tired, and Silverbridge had ventured to suggest that as they were all wet through, and as there was to be another meeting in the Assembly Room that night, and as nobody in that part of the town seemed to be at home, they might perhaps be allowed to adjourn for the present.

"The members of the Provisional Government must be conducted by the people to the Hôtel de Ville and installed!" cried a voice from the crowd. "Let us adjourn to the Hôtel de Ville, Lamartine at the head!" said M. Bocage. Immediately Lamartine, accompanied by a large number of citizens, withdrew. But a great multitude still remained upon the benches and in the semi-circle of the Chamber.

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