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If you do not pay, I will tell him where they are." What diamonds? what robbery? what was this mystery? That will never be ascertained, for the wretched man's demeanor instantly changed. "Certainly, sir; oh, certainly," he said, forcing a grin. "How will you have the money, sir? All right, Mr. Abednego. This way out."

Then Nebuchadnezzar spake, and said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who hath sent his angel, and delivered his servants that trusted in him, and have changed the king's word, and yielded their bodies, that they might not serve nor worship any god, except their own God.

Mishael, with a smile on his lip, and an unfaltering step, found his place by the side of his brother. "Abednego!" Azariah, with a degree of paleness spread over his youthful countenance, left his seat, and joined his comrades. "Apgomer!" Apgomer was startled. The contented youth looked for no such result.

Now among these there were four of the family of Zedekiah, of most excellent dispositions, one of whom was called Daniel, another was called Ananias, another Misael, and the fourth Azarias; and the king of Babylon changed their names, and commanded that they should make use of other names. Daniel he called Baltasar; Ananias, Shadrach; Misael, Meshach; and Azarias, Abednego.

Daniel's companions refused to do this, and were cast into the fiery furnace. From this circumstance he was brought to acknowledge a Supreme Being, and even issued a decree that any one who spoke amiss against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego should be cut in pieces.

Bravely the three great catches accepted every invitation, and, though it was a very unusual addition to his regular duties, the Reverend Abednego Choker faithfully attended all the evening festivities, to the end that they might be decorously closed with prayer, as had from time immemorial been the custom of Hardhack.

Then he prayed the Lord to give us his strength, sufficient for our day, whatever it might be, even as He had strengthened Daniel in the lions' den, and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace, and Peter and Paul and Silas in prison, and John in Patmos; and that we might have grace to rejoice at being accounted worthy to suffer for his name's sake, and be strengthened to bear testimony even before kings if need were; and to cast all our burden upon Him, not caring much for the things of this life, knowing that he could reduplicate them if it were his will, at any time, as he had done to Job.

Has the blessed little symbol been at it again? Briskin's shock shocked!" "It's getting clearer. It stands in a band of fire." "Shade of Shadrach! Apparition of Abednego! Draw it mild and bitter, mother!" "Ah! now it steps out. It's got a hump." "Got the hump, mother? My word! then it must be either a camel or an undischarged bankrupt! Which is it, pretty soul?" "It's a rhinoceros.

Buonespoir intervened. "And what shall come of it? What shall be the end? The Honeyflower lies at anchor there be three good men in waiting, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and " The Seigneur interrupted. "There's little longer waiting. All's well! Her high hereditary Majesty smiled on me when she gave Leicester conge and fiery quittance.

There was another moment's hesitation on the sergeant's part, then a door at the other end of the chapel was heard to open and shut, and the Seigneur laughed loudly. The halberdiers ran round the chapel. There stood Buonespoir and Abednego in a narrow roadway, motionless and unconcerned. The halberdiers rushed forward. "Perquage! Perquage!