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"But I jes' couldn't leave him do it, no matter how much he begged," One-Eye was to declare; "he was that tuckered. And this mornin', here he was, workin'! Say, but he's a A-1 worker!" What a chorus would interrupt him! a chorus of agreement.

"Well, well, that's too bad," said deep-voiced Mr. Bassett, who had come out of the automobile with the other judges to hear what Mr. Ford had to say. "Too bad they can't get a patent on it. I thought the lads had an A-1 business proposition here and I was about to make 'em a spot cash offer for an interest in it. Why, it's the best thing we've seen in all the tests.

None of us really enjoys polishing brass or washing dishes and besides, he's one star cook and an A-1 housekeeper." The installation of the new instruments was soon completed, and while Dorothy and Margaret made last-minute preparations for departure, the men called a meeting of the managing directors and department heads of the "Seaton-Crane Co., Engineers." The chiefs gave brief reports in turn.

Take it all in all, she was not displeased with what they seemed to indicate. "Confidence is a good thing to have, but a little wholesome doubt don't hurt the masculine gender none. I guess, if I was put to it, I could count on one hand with no fingers, the number o' gen'l'men, no matter how plain, have died because 'way down in their hearts they believed they wasn't reel A-1 Winners.

Louis and Macpherson overhauled the engine, and pronounced it in A-1 condition when it left the test bench. Every one of the boys learned much about aircraft construction, at least so far as that type of biplane was concerned, before they were through with the job.

The kind that answers the ad: 'Manager wanted, young man, preferably married, able to furnish A-1 reference. They're as thick as advertising men in Detroit on Monday morning. But we knew that this Western branch was going to be given an equal chance with the New York office. Those big Western advertisers like to give their money to Western firms if they can.

They were in A-1 condition, when the boat was turned over to the Navy,” Jack responded. “Do you imagine, then, Mr. Benson, that some of the naval machinists have been careless or incompetent?” “Why, that would be a wild guess to make, sir, when one remembers what high rank your naval machinists take in their work,” Jack Benson replied.

It was a very well-considered insinuation of the judges, but the young-un stands about A-1 with a prime nigger-feller." "I should like to have 'em try me, to see whether I was a nigger or a white man. It must be a funny law, 'nigger or no nigger. If a feller's skin won't save him, what the devil will?" said the Captain. "Why, show your mother and her generation were white, to be sure!

"Look it over," he called after him. "It promises to pan out scrumptious. We struck A-1 rock seven feet below the surface." "That discounts the Eureka," said Shelby. "We've never done better than twelve."

Mrs. Wilcox had recovered herself. "Oh, Henry dear! here's a lovely surprise but let me introduce but I think you know Miss Schlegel." "Oh, yes," he replied, not greatly interested. "But how's yourself, Ruth?" "Fit as a fiddle," she answered gaily. "So are we and so was our car, which ran A-1 as far as Ripon, but there a wretched horse and cart which a fool of a driver "