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Updated: August 12, 2024

263. =Breakfast Rolls.= Mix well by sifting, one pound of flour, three teaspoonfuls of baking powder, half a teaspoonful of salt, and one heaping teaspoonful of pulverized or fine sugar; into a small portion of the above rub two ounces of lard, fine and smooth; mix with the rest of the flour, and quickly wet it up with enough cold milk to enable you to roll it out about half an inch thick; cut out the dough with a tin shape or with a sharp knife, in the form of diamonds, lightly wet the top with water, and double them half over.

Newspapers: defaming the noble, 145; in Shakespeare's day, 204. Newton, Mass.: its minister, 15; Episcopal Church, 68. Newton, Sir Isaac, times quoted, 382. Newton, Stuart, sketches, 130. New World, gospel, 371. New York: Brevoort House, 246; Genealogical Society, 413. Niagara, visit, 263. Nidiver, George, ballad, 259. Nightingale, Florence, 220. Nithsdale, Eng., mountains, 78.

Johnson; it seems, took up this study. In July, 1773, he recorded that between Easter and Whitsuntide, he attempted to learn the Low Dutch language. 'My application, he continues, 'was very slight, and my memory very fallacious, though whether more than in my earlier years, I am not very certain. Pr. and Med. p. 129, and ante, ii. 263. On his death-bed, he said to Mr. Hoole: 'About two years since I feared that I had neglected God, and that then I had not a mind to give him; on which I set about to read Thomas

Marshall Allerdyke?" he asked of the new arrival. "The gentleman left a card for you; I was asked to give it to you as soon as you came." Allerdyke took the visiting-card which the man produced from a letter rack, and read the lines hastily scribbled on the back If you land here during the night, come straight up to my room 263 and rouse me out. Want to see you at once.

In 1845, out of a total of 59,123 persons taken into custody, 15,263 could neither read nor write, and 39,659 could barely read, and could write very imperfectly. In the four best taught counties of England, the number of schools being one for every seven hundred inhabitants, the number of criminal convictions was one a year for every 1108 inhabitants.

Rodney's Life, vol. ii. p. 242. Chevalier, p. 311. Kerguelen: Guerre Maritime de 1778. Letter of De Grasse to Kerguelen, p. 263. Troude: Batailles Navales.

His Grace instantly and emphatically exclaimed, 'No! no! I'll not allow it. It is not the business of commanders to be firing upon each other. Siborne, vol. ii. p. 263. Napoleon had stationed himself during the battle on a little hillock near La Belle Alliance, in the centre of the French position.

Wells, A Modern Utopia, p. 263. 'I know of no case for the elective Democratic government of modern States that cannot be knocked to pieces in five minutes.

Duly armed and equipped with staff and scrip, and duly fortified within by such stimulants as the exigencies of the case seemed to demand, the Cash Customer set out for 263 Broome Street, and after strict trial and due examination of the premises and the people, he made the following report.

McGregor, and the other two gentlemen, were completely mystified at my request, but they complied with my wishes, and I noted down the amounts given me in my note-book. The balances were as follows: Patterson, $2,472.27; Drysdale, $324.22; Caruthers, $817.48; and Flanders, $12,263.03.

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