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"I cannot permit you to run such risk; better that I should go myself and make the demand upon Captain Navarro." "The captain has been warned not to permit any such thing, on his life. You know that though General Yozarro may be aware I have left his service, it is not likely to be known to Captain Navarro." "It is a fearful risk, Martella.

She instantly obeyed and he leaned forward himself, so as to offer as small a target as possible. Captain Guzman and Martella sat motionless, watching the tug rushing down upon them and ready to leap ashore the instant they came within reach. All a-tremble with the intensity of his rage, General Yozarro stood to the rear and beside the six-pounder whose muzzle was pointed toward the little boat.

When you reflect that a respectful demand has been made upon President Yozarro for the payment of a just claim, and that he brutally refuses, what would you advise, most wise and honored Sir?" "I have offered to pay the claim myself." "Your offer is declined, since you cannot enforce all the conditions." "I have named arbitration." "And I have pointed out the impossible folly of such a thing."

"But that will hardly do; you took it by force from him and should return it in person. It is the only way by which an international complication can be prevented." Yielding to an impulse inspired by the humor of the situation, Major Starland said: "Very well; I'll take it upon myself to deliver the General Yozarro to its owner with my own hands."

The return of General Yozarro was not looked for under several hours, and with so much resinous wood at hand, the furnace could be quickly fired up. It was a saving all round to let the steam moderate, which explains why our friends heard nothing of the craft sleeping less than thirty rods away.

Major Starland and the others noted that the deserter was in high spirits, but no one could understand why this should be the case. "It is as I thought," said Martella; "the gunboat landed General Yozarro and the officers who have gone to the Castle." "We knew that before." "And he did not dream of the presence of our boat so near. Things would have been different had he known it."

"Explain yourself," said the President severely, for, having set his heart on having war, he did not mean to be bluffed out of it. "Why not refer the dispute to The Hague Tribunal of Arbitration?" "What good could come from that?" "Suppose it decided in your favor and ordered General Yozarro to pay the claim?" "That wouldn't wipe out the insult." "But, if he was ordered to apologize?"

Suppose, what was quite likely, that suspicion should again enter the brain of the Captain, when he gained time to think over the extraordinary situation? Suppose, what was also likely, that General Yozarro should arrive while the bogus messenger was inside the Castle? He would be caught like a rat in a trap. And yet knowing all these things, Martella gave not the first evidence of hurry.

Then the Major added a bit of information which perhaps was superfluous: "We Americans always hit what we aim at." General Yozarro saw that it would never do. He was heard to speak sharply to the man at the tiller, and the small boat immediately veered off. Daring as some of the inmates might be, they had not the courage to advance straight against the throat of a gaping six-pounder.

I came near shooting him, but I guess it wasn't any nearer than he came to shooting me. He is as brave as he is high minded." The young woman had removed the remnants of the feast left by General Yozarro and his guests so that the small, richly furnished apartment looked tidy and attractive.