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"Aw quite a wemarkable cweature. A sort of aw long-legged curiosity of the Andes. Mad, I suppose, or drunk." These remarks were partly a soliloquy, partly addressed to a friend who had joined the sportsman, but they were overheard by Quashy, who, with the fire of a free negro and the enthusiasm of a faithful servant, said "No more mad or drunk dan you'self you whitefaced racoon!"

When they we' all vain and cleva, and you you thought only of God and 'iligion and didn't mind fo' you'self.... Up to then I'd been living oh! the emptiest life..." The tears ran. "Pe'haps I shall live it again...." She dashed her grief away with a hand beringed with stones as big as beetles. "I said to myself, this man knows something I don't know. He's got the seeds of ete'nal life su'ely.

"I do not know whethah I understand the case exactly," said the colonel, "but Mr. Fulkerson may command me to the extent of my ability." "You don't understand it aftah what Ah've said?" cried the girl. "Then Ah don't see but what you'll have to explain it you'self, Mr. Fulkerson."

I shall gife you, you'self, tventy per cent if you make the job." "Impossible, M. le Baron." "What, monsieur, you could have the heart to let my mistress go to prison?" said Europe, intervening. "But take my wages, my savings; take them, madame; I have forty thousand francs " "Ah, my good girl, I did not really know you!" cried Esther, clasping Europe in her arms.

"I do not know whethah I understand the case exactly," said the colonel, "but Mr. Fulkerson may command me to the extent of my ability." "You don't understand it aftah what Ah've said?" cried the girl. "Then Ah don't see but what you'll have to explain it you'self, Mr. Fulkerson."

"Well, sar! Look here! You fin' you'self so blame indifferend s'pose you so indifferend not to say nothing 'bout this, when my swamper fellah git in. I don' wish to go snac' wis him. I don' feel oblige'. See?" "What you want to pester me about this money for!" The old man was weary. "I didn't come here, lookin' for money, and I don't expect to take none away with me. So I'll say good-night to ye."

It rung hollow like you say. I looked and found what you found." "And put her back! My soul to God! An' you here all by you'self!" "Why not? The stuff ain't mine." "Who is she? How long since anybody live here?" "I don't know, good while, I guess." "Well, sar! Look here! I open that bag. I count two hondre' thirteen dolla' make it twelve for luck, an' call it you' divvee! You strike her first.

Den ve convarsatione 'bout de fur-trade, an' de " "Well well," interrupted Redding, "but what was the last thing, just before he sent you off?" "Ah let me zee. Oui it was 'bout you'self. I tell him 'bout de property de Lock Doo vat you was " "Le Rue," exclaimed Redding, suddenly and very angrily, "you're a consummate ass!"

Into one of these he ushered them, having previously pointed out to them that the building occupied a prominent position not far from the great palace of the Queen. "So if you out goes git losted know how to finds you'self agin!" "Das so," said Ebony. "You's a clibber man." "Now you stop," continued the Interpreter, paying no attention to the remark, "for git some some vik vik vikles eh?"

His captor released him with a final shake, and he brought a forearm to his streaming eyes. "You'll wear 'em all day to-morrow!" again thundered the judge as the culprit sobbed a stumbling way into obscurity. "You'self go to haitch!" the unrelenting complainant called after him. The judge effected a rumbling withdrawal. The night was again calm.