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Updated: January 9, 2025
D'ye see them handsome barkers of mine?" pointing to a fine display of eighteen- pounders, six of a side, mounted in the ship's main-deck battery. "Waal, I was in more'n half a mind to give ye a dose from them in answer to your shot; and yew may thank my mate here, Mr Silas Jenkins, for persuadin' me outer the notion! And what d'ye want, anyway, now that yew're here, and be hanged to ye?"
His face smoothed its troubled frowns into a look of shining anticipation the look that Samuel's face had worn when first he ushered Blossy into his tidy, little home and murmured huskily: "Mis' Darby, yew're master o' the vessel naow; I'm jest fo'castle hand."
And in that of a steamboat captain? "Oh! now yew're talk'n', mister! A right smart business, thet! A boss'n' o' people 'round, a seein' o' th' world, and noth'n' 't all to do! Now, that's right smart, I take it!" It was plain where his heart lay. He saw the steamers pass the farm daily, and once he had watched one unload at Point Pleasant well, that was the life for him!
"Oh, if yew're going to talk Buncombe, squaire, I've done." "And so have I, sir," said Mark, "for there is plenty of work wanting me."
I'd as lief let yew go thar 'stid o' me; fer I know very well that's what yew're a-layin' out fer ter do. Yes, yes, Mother, yew can't fool me. But think what folks would say! Think what they would say! They 'd crow, 'Thar's Abe a-takin' his comfort in the Old Men's Hum, an' Angeline, she's a-eatin' her heart out in the poorhouse!"
"Look here, squaire," he said, "I give in, but yew're an officer and I'm an officer. Play fair with a man. That nigger'll kill me sure as a gun if I go along with him. Seems to me I shan't be safe 'less I'm along o' you, so I guess I'll stop here." Mark was about to insist, but a glance at Soup was sufficient to alter his mind. "Very well, stop for the present, sir, till I go back aboard."
"Here," he cried, imitating the Yankee captain's drawl, and speaking in a husky, disguised voice, "just mind what yew're about with that there toothpick, or yew'll be hurting somebody if yew don't cut yewrself." "Silence, you dog!" cried Bob, fiercely. "Do you surrender?" "Eh? Dew yew mean give myself up as a prisoner?" "Yes, of course, sir."
More and more good-natured grew Samuel's face, until a sociable rabbit, peeping at him from behind a bush, decided to run a race with the old gentleman, and hopped fearlessly out into the open. "Ah, yew young rascal!" cried Samuel. "Yew're the feller that eat up all my winter cabbages." At this uncanny reading of his mind, Mr.
Thursday passed and now Friday still there was no sign of the wind changing, and the big Yankee barque lay quietly at anchor over by the Presidio. When the butcher came off from the shore with the day's stores, we eagerly questioned him about the prospects of the James Flint's sailing. "Huh! I guess yew're nat the only 'citizens' that air concarned 'bout that!" he said.
"We are we are of that sort!" he declared courageously. "Why should you doubt it, Marcia?" "I believe yew if yew say so," responded Marcia. "But I guess yew're only fooling me!" "Fooling you!" Lord Algy was so surprised that he released her quite suddenly from his embrace so suddenly that she was a little frightened. Was she to lose him, after all?
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