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Pewt and Beany's fathers painted it and so they go there. i don't know why we go there xcept because they don't have any church in the afternoon. Nipper Brown and Micky Gould go there. we all went into the same class. our teacher is Mister Winsor a student. we call them stewdcats. after we had said our lesson we all skinned out with Mr.

There's nobody lives in the whole valley 'xcept a band o' miners who have been prospectin' all over it an' locatin' themselves in the house without leave." "Locatin', is it?" exclaimed Larry, "faix, it's vacatin' it they'll be, widout so much as `by yer lave, this night." "Have they found much gold, do you know?" asked Will Osten. "Believe not," replied the innkeeper.

I misremember the year, but that don't matter, bein' a subject of no consarn wotiver, 'xcept to schoolboys who'll get their licks if they can't tell, and sarve 'em right too. But if you're willin' I'm agreeable, and there's an end o' the whole affair."

Dawkins in the most respeckful and flatrin manner, agread in every think he said, prazed his taste, his furniter, his coat, his classick nolledge, and his playin on the floot; you'd have thought, to hear him, that such a polygon of exlens as Dawkins did not breath, that such a modist, sinsear, honrabble genlmn as Deuceace was to be seen nowhere xcept in Pump Cort. Poor Daw was complitly taken in.

My maxim is and it has served me through life, uncommon 'Keep your weather-eye open and your tongue housed 'xcept when you've got occasion to use it. If that fellow'd use his eyes more and his tongue less, he'd see your father comin' down the road there, right before the wind, with his old sister in tow." "How I wish he would have let me go with him!" muttered Fred to himself sorrowfully.

"To do with it, lad? nothing 'xcept that it reminds me that we little know what is in store for us. Here are we becalmed three day's sail from the coral island, where the niggers were so near converting us into cooked victuals, and I wouldn't at this minute give twopence in security for the life of any one on board the Rover." "Why, what mean you?" asked Will, with increasing perplexity.

Old Father," he added meditatively, "wal, surely, he was a character, Father was. Folks about here," he said, turning suddenly to Hilda and looking keenly at her, "think Father was ravin' crazy, or mighty nigh it. But he warn't nothin' o' the sort. His mind was as keen as a razor, an' as straight-edged, 'xcept jest on one subject. On that he was, so to say, a little wal a little tetched."

Though I know, 'cordin' to all white folks' way o' tinkin', dar a'n't no hope, 'cause Squire Marvyn he had dat ar Jeduth Pettibone up to his house, a-questionin' on him, off an' on, nigh about tree hours. An' r'ally I didn't see no hope no way, 'xcept jes' dis yer, as I was tellin' Cato, I can't feel it in my bones."