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Thus in the preceding year under the nomenclature of "affairs in China" the text of a dementi regarding the President of China's Imperial aspirations had been published, a document which Japanese had classified as a studied lie, and as an act of presumption because its wording showed that its author intended to keep his back turned on Japan. The Dictator had declared:

Most of my own books, when their general substance had been roughly got into order by means of several tentative versions, were, paragraph by paragraph, written again five or six times more, the corrections each time growing more and more minute, and finally the clauses and wording of each individual sentence were transposed, or rebalanced or reworded, whenever such processes should be necessary, in order to capture some nuance of meaning which had previously eluded me as a bird eludes a fowler.

No respectable candidate for office would attempt to buy the support of a newspaper, and I advise you to change the wording on your card. Instead of 'Honorable' it should read 'Dishonorable' Ojoy Boglin. Good day, sir!" Mr. Boglin's face turned white with rage. He half rose from his seat, but sat down again with a vicious snarl.

It occurred to Weary then that a word of cheer to the Old Man and his anxious watchers might not cone amiss. Therefore the Happy Family mounted and rode to the depot to send it, and on the way wrangled over the wording of the message after their usual contentious manner. "Better tell 'em everything is fine, at this end uh the line," Cal suggested, and was hooted at for a poet.

"And he had enough intuition, and guts enough, to look for it first in the shay! I'm beginning to admire that man!" Aloud he asked the trooper: "What was the wording of the risaldar-major sahib's message?" "'Let Bagh be well groomed and held ready against all contingencies!" said the trooper. "Then take him outside!" ordered Warrington. "Groom him where you won't disturb the other horses!

After a few strides he felt better. He went back to the armchair and took up his brother's letter once more. After a moment he laughed, rather a sore laugh, as if something in the stilted wording of the letter hurt him. What would he not have given now to be able to cable back: "Quite right; she is my wife." But as it was "Let him think what he likes.

He suggested some slight alteration in the wording of the petition. We are to bring it back to him signed on Thursday, and he has promised to present it. He again recommended that Sir Thos. Baring should present it the Commons." At the meeting of the Deputies they at first objected to the petition as altered by Lord Bexley, but finally agreed to sign it.

For an hour they both wrote rapidly with now a quick question from the major and a concise answer from Phoebe, or a short debate over the wording of one of his sentences or paragraphs. The editorial minds of the graybeard and the girl were of much the same quality and they had written together for many years. The major had gone far in the molding of Phoebe's keen wit.

"Then," he thought, "she loves me or she would not have written to me at all." He was slightly depressed at the tenor of the note for the first few minutes, but soon recovered. "She wouldn't write at all if she didn't care for me." This was his one resource against the depression which held him. He could extract little from the wording of the letter, but the spirit he thought he knew.

The stately "Quarterly Review," in its number for July, uses a little more of dignity in wording the title of an article upon our affairs thus, "Democracy on its Trial"; but it makes up for the waste of refinement upon its text by a lavish indulgence in scurrility and falsehood in its comments. As a specimen, take the following.