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It was while transacting some business in Lowell, that he saw President Polk, James Buchanan, Levi Woodbury, and other political magnates of the period, who, however, were rather coldly received on account of the annexation of Texas, and war with Mexico. Wishing for a home of his own, Carleton now bought a farm in West Boscawen, and began housekeeping in the following November.

I designed it myself for you and I had a pretty bad time getting it made." He stepped to one side. "Hits you pretty well under the knees, doesn't it? Yes, it's deeper than most." "A perfect fit, father, and mighty thoughtful of you." "H-m," rumbled John Woodbury, and looked about like one who has forgotten something. "What about a glass of Scotch?"

The paragraphs told me the whole story of the crime, as far as it was known to the world, from the very beginning. First of all, in the papers, came the bald announcement that a murder had been committed in a country town in Staffordshire; and that the victim was Mr. Vivian Callingham, a gentleman of means, residing in his own house, The Grange, at Woodbury. Mr.

It was when you leapt from the window at The Grange, at Woodbury, after murdering my father!" He started once more. "Una," he said solemnly, in a very clear voice, "there's some terrible error somewhere. You're utterly mistaken about what took place that night. But oh, great heavens! how am I ever to explain the misconception to YOU? If you still think thus, it would be cruel to undeceive you.

Louis McLane of Delaware became Secretary of the Treasury; Lewis Cass of Michigan, Secretary of War; Levi Woodbury of New Hampshire, Secretary of the Navy; and Roger B. Taney of Maryland, Attorney-General.

Gyles asked some of the prisoners, who had lately been taken by privateers and brought to the Jemseg, whether they would go back with him to witness the ceremony, but they emphatically refused to witness it and when Gyles expressed his determination to go, one of them, named Woodbury, said he was "as bad as a papist and a d d fool."

Samuel S. Beach and Woodbury K. Cooke drew up the first notice of the railroad project and at the same time drew up a notice of a meeting to be held in Oneonta for the purpose of enlisting the interest of capitalists in the proposed road. These notices Messrs. Cooke and Beach caused to be printed and distributed at their own expense.

He opened the door to the library and entered with a hope that his father would not be facing him, but he found that John Woodbury was not even reading. He sat by the big fire-place smoking a pipe which he now removed slowly from his teeth. "Hello, Anthony." "Good-evening, sir."

Your father'll be proud of you." Woodbury looked at him sharply. "How do you know that?" "Any man would be." "But the notoriety, man! It would kill me with a lot of people as thoroughly as if I'd put the muzzle of a gun in my mouth and pulled the trigger." "H-m!" muttered the reporter, "sort of social suicide, all right. But it's news, Mr. Woodbury, and the editor "

The more I dwell on him, the more does he come out to me as a different man from the other one the father...I shot at The Grange, at Woodbury. The father that lives with me in that ineffaceable Picture." "He WAS a different man," Jack answered, with a sudden burst, as if he knew all my story. "Una, I may as well relieve your mind all at once on that formidable point.