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Thus elaborate machinery can arise and long endure for the magical service of man's interests. How deeply rooted such conventions are, how natural it is that they should have dominated even civilised society, may best be understood if we consider the remnants of such habits in our midst not among gypsies or professional wonder-workers but among reflecting men.

Cherished age after age in its dark caverns, in its holy temples cherished. Fed by pure ministers of love let not the flame die out." The title of "Magi" was highly esteemed in those ancient days, but it fell into disrepute in the latter times owing to its growing use as an appellation of the practitioners of "Black Magic," or "evil wonder-workers" or sorcerers, of those days.

Now that he was in Richmond, the Stoke-Newington boys themselves loomed up as the wonder-workers, and his playmates listened with admiration and with such expression as, "Caesar's ghost!" "Jiminy!" "Cracky!" and the like, as he narrated his tales of "Freckles," "Goggles," "the Beau," and the rest.

In fashion distantly resembling the way men look upon the gods they create, so looked White Fang upon the man-animals before him. They were superior creatures, of a verity, gods. To his dim comprehension they were as much wonder-workers as gods are to men.

In one shape or another, ancient wonder-workers, Scandinavian and mediaeval seers, modern Spiritualists, classical interpreters of oracles, Indian fakirs, savage witch-doctors and medicine men, all submitted or submit themselves to the yoke of the same rule in the hope of attaining an end which, however it may vary in its manifestations, is identical in essence.

Even when it didn't turn up where and when it was expected, it would take government red tape three months to find out what had become of the missing motors." "These machines" said Jane suddenly, "they must be the 'wonder-workers' old Mr. Hoff was always talking about." "And that last advertisement we read," Dean reminded them, "announced that the wonder-workers would be ready Friday.

"Now that was really an idea. The old fellow was getting a bit cross and suspicious with me because he thought I wasn't doing enough while they were getting his 'wonder-workers' ready. At one time he was so distrustful of me that he had me followed." "Oh, yes, I know," said Jane quickly.

As I sat alone last night unable to sleep, my eyes ran over the backs of the books on my shelves they were all there, all the great ones, Laplace, Spinoza, Descartes, Goethe, Spencer, Hegel, Kant, Darwin, all the wonder-workers. How masterful each had been in his time. How complacent of praise; how critical of the past!

While some of the men were unceremoniously carrying out the shackled prisoners and piling them in the cars, others, under Carter's direction, crippled the three "wonder-workers" and dismantled them, carrying their dangerous cargo of bombs into the woods and concealing them. None of the prisoners, since the moment the shackles had been put on, had uttered a word.

That the science on which each party depended was derived from experimental physics, may be proved. 1. by the conduct of the Thaumaturgists, or wonder-workers: 2. from what they themselves had said concerning magic; the genii invoked by the magicians, sometimes denoting physical or chemical agents employed, sometimes men who cultivated the science.