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The procession at once set forth, including Dave, who strolled in the rear, softly whistling, and apparently totally unconcerned, yet all the while alive with feline watchfulness. Arrived at the stable, the travellers were requested to wait there while Youth went to find his father and "borry a wip."

I commenced reluctantly to take off my shirt, at the same time pleading with Gilbert, who paid no attention to my prayer, but said, "Jake, I is gwine to wip you to-day as I did dem toder boys." Having satisfied myself that no mercy was to be found with Gilbert, I drew my shirt off and threw it over his head, and bounded forward on a run in the direction of the sound of the carpenters.

Ez wuochs in Burgonden ein edel magedin, daz in allen landen niht schoeners mohte sin, Kriemhild geheizen; si wart ein scoene wip, darambe muosen degene vil verliesen den lip. Der minneclichen meide triuten wol gezam, ir muotten kuene recken, niemen was ir gram, ane ma zen schoene so was ir edel lip; der iunevrouwen tugende zierten anderiu wip.

"Mamma, you has a wip in your seeve, you must mend it," or "Mamma, don't fordet dat your teys is in the top dwawer," all these reminders and advices being made particularly comical by the baby pronunciation. Rose's theory was that little Rose was a messenger from heaven sent to buffet her and correct her mistakes. "The bane and the antidote," she would say.

"Dunno!" she said "'Specks I will! But oh, my Zozey-Posey IS so bad!" and she screwed her little flaxen head round with an expression of the most comical distress "See my wip?" And she held up a long stem of golden-rod in flower, "Zozey dot to be wipped poor Zozey! But he's dot to be tied up fust!"

"What is this?" said Mrs Stoutley, holding the paper gingerly with the tips of her fingers, "Wip Wap Wopper! What is Wopper? Is the person a man or a woman?" The footman, who, although well-bred, found it difficult to restrain a smile, intimated that the person was a man, and added, that he said he had come from California, and wanted to see Mrs Stoutley very particularly.

Schwigshhnaps, the currier, sate behind in the rumbill; master aloan in the inside, as grand as a Turk, and rapt up in his fine fir-cloak. Off we sett, bowing gracefly to the crowd; the harniss-bells jinglin, the great white hosses snortin, kickin, and squeelin, and the postilium cracking his wip, as loud as if he'd been drivin her majesty the quean. Well, I shan't describe our voyitch.

But finally, one day, Gilbert said to me, "Jake," as he used to call me, "you am a good boy, but I'm gwine to wip you some to-day, as I wip dem toder boys." Of course I was required to strip off my only garment, which was an Osnaburg linen shirt, worn by both sexes of the negro children in the summer.